Steps of Water Cycle

The important steps of water cycle are discussed here. These various stages of water cycle together form a continuous, natural process that circulates water on Earth. The main steps of water cycle are:


The transformation of water from liquid to gas phases as it moves from the different water bodies into the overlying atmosphere. The source of energy for evaporation is primarily solar radiation. This water vapor rises into the atmosphere. The process of evaporation via the leaves of plants is known as evapotranspiration. After this process water is released into the atmosphere.


In places with cold temperatures, snow and ice may change directly from a solid (ice) to a gas (water vapor) in a process called sublimation. The most typical reasons are dry winds and low humidity. Sublimation can be visible on mountain peaks when the air pressure is extremely low.

The process is aided by low air pressure, which requires less energy to convert snow to water vapour. Sublimation is also visible during the fogging phase of dry ice. The primary source of sublimation is the ice sheets that cover its poles.


Due to the low temperatures at high altitudes, the water vapour that has accumulated in the atmosphere cools. These vapours condense into droplets of water and ice, which eventually condense into clouds. The temperature at which condensation occurs is known as the dew point.

Temperatures can naturally approach or go below the dew point, especially at night. As a result, water droplets are sprayed on lawns, cars, and buildings every morning. Warm air reaches its dew point and condenses when it comes into contact with a cold surface.


When the temperature rises above 0 degrees Celsius, the vapours condense into water droplets. In the absence of dust or other contaminants, however, it cannot condense. Water vapours stick to the surface of the particle as a result. When enough droplets form, it falls from the sky and onto the earth below, a process known as precipitation. Water droplets freeze and fall as snow or hail in extremely cold weather or when air pressure is extremely low.


Infiltration is the process through which rainwater is absorbed into the ground. The amount of water absorbed varies depending on the medium into which it was introduced. Rocks, for example, will hold substantially less water than soil. Groundwater can be transported by both streams and rivers. It’s possible, however, that it’ll simply sink deeper and form aquifers.


If rainwater does not create aquifers, gravity transports it down mountain and hill slopes, finally forming rivers. Runoff is the term for this practice.

Water Cycle – Process, Diagram, and its Various Stages

The water cycle or hydrologic cycle, is a continuous and natural process that circulates water between the surface of the Earth, the atmosphere, and back again. The water cycle steps evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and infiltration. The water cycle sustains life by replenishing water sources and maintains hydrological balance on Earth. In this article, we will explain the water cycle steps, the water cycle diagram, and its importance in maintaining Earth’s ecosystems.

Table of Content

  • Water Cycle Definition
  • What is Water Cycle?
  • Water Cycle Diagram
  • Steps of Water Cycle
  • Significance of Water Cycle
  • Effect of Rainfall on the Environment
  • Climate Change and Water Cycle

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