Steps to Create API with Ruby on Rails

Step 1: Create the New Rails Project

1. Open the terminal and run the following commands:

rails new [api_name] –api


$ rails new my_api –api

Step 2: Navigate to Your Rails Project

Use the ‘cd’ command to move into the directory of your rails project:

$ cd my_api

Step 3: Open Your Rails Project in Editor

Now open your rails project in the editor in this article we use VS code editor using the following command:

$ code .

Step 4: Install the gems Specified in the Gemfile

‘bundle install’ is a command in ruby on rails projects that is used to install the necessary gems (ruby libraries or packages) specified in the project’s Gemfile.

$ bundle install


If you update your Gemfile to include new gems or change existing versions, you need to run bundle install again to install the updated dependencies. This ensures that your project is using the correct versions of gems as per the Gemfile.

Step 5: Create the Data Model

Use the rails generator to create a new model. In your terminal, navigate to your Rails application’s root directory and run the following command.

$ rails generate model ModelName attribute:type

Replace ModelName with the name of your model(in CamelCase) and attribute: type with the attributes and their respective data types you want to include in the model.


Let’s create the model called Article with attributes title and content:

$ rails generate model Article title:string content:text

This command generates a migration file, a model file, and a test file for the new model.

Step 6: Run the Migration

Next, apply the generated migration to create the database table for your model. Run the following commands:

$ rails db:migrate

This command will create a table called articles with columns title and content, along with timestamps for created_at and updated_at in the db\schema.rb

Now, open the ‘app\model\article.rb’ file and define the model associations and validation:

Step 7: Create Controllers and Routes

Now, generate a controller for handling Article:

$ rails generate controller Api::V1::Articles

This will create a controller file at ‘app\controllers\api\v1\article_controller.rb’. open this file and define the CRUD action.


# app\controllers\api\v1\articles_controller.rb
class Api::V1::ArticlesController < ApplicationController
    before_action :set_article, only: [:show, :update, :destroy]

    def index
      @articles = Article.all
      render json: @articles

    def show
      render json: @article

    def create
      @article =

        render json: @article, status: :created
        render json: @article.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity

    def update
      if @article.update(article_params)
        render json: @article
        render json: @article.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity

    def destroy
      head :no_content


    def set_article
      @article = Article.find(params[:id])

    def article_params
      params.require(:article).permit(:title, :content)


Now, Configure the routes in ‘Config\routes.rb’.

# config\routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
   namespace :api do
    namespace :v1 do 
      resources :articles

Finally, we can add some articles to our database from the rails console. open the terminal write the following command

$ rails c

irb(main):002> Article.create(title: “GeeksforGeek” , content: “HelloGeeksforGeek”)

irb(main):004> Article.create(title: “GeeksforGeek” , content: “Hi am learning how to build rubyonrail api”)

Step 8: Testing the API

Now start the rails server for testing the API using Postman:

$ rails server


$ The rails routes command is used in Ruby on Rails to display a list of all routes defined in your application. It provides a summary of the URL patterns, HTTP methods, controller actions, and associated route names.

Open the Postmanan API for testing the API:

GET all articles:


GET a specific article:


Post a new article:


Delete an article:

How to Build an API With Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails API refers to the application programming interface (API) framework provided by the Ruby on Rails (Rails) web application framework. It allows developers to build and expose APIs for their web applications efficiently. Ruby on Rails is a popular web development framework written in the Ruby programming language, and its API functionality enables the creation of web services and endpoints that can be used for communication between different software systems.

Table of Content

  • What is an API?
  • How do APIs Work?
  • Steps to Create API with Ruby on Rails

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