Structure of Ovary in Plants

The ovary is the female reproductive organ in flowering plants. It’s located in the internal whorl of the flower, at the base where the sepals and petals meet. The ovary is a part of the pistil that contains most of the ovules which are the potential seeds. Each ovule contains an egg cell and is surrounded by protective layers, including the integuments. The ovary is made up of the following parts: Ovary wall, Locule, Placenta, Funiculus, Ovule.

  • The ovary can be unilocular, bilocular, or multilocular, depending on the number of locules it has. A simple ovary is made up of a single carpel, which is a modified leaf. A multicarpellate ovary is made up of more than one carpel and can have one or more locules.
  • The ovary wall is the three layer that surrounds the ovary: the outermost epidermis, the middle layer called the mesocarp, and the innermost layer known as the endocarp. These layers collectively form the fruit after fertilization.
  • The ovules are attached to the ovary wall via a structure called the placenta.
  • The funiculus is a stalk-like structure that connects the ovule to the placenta within the ovary that acts as a conduit for nutrient transport and supports the ovule during its development.
  • The ovary is connected to the stigma by the style. During fertilization, pollen lands on the stigma, and a tube grows down the style and enters the ovary. After fertilization, the ovary of the flower develops into a fruit containing a seed.

Types of Ovary in Plants

The Ovary is the female reproductive organ of a flower. It is located at the base of the flower, below the stigma and style. The ovary in plants contains one or more ovules, which develop into seeds upon fertilization. After fertilization, the ovary matures into a fruit, which protects and disperses the seeds. There are 3 types of ovary in plants depending on its position: superior, half-inferior, and inferior. In this article, we will discuss the ovary in plants, its parts, function, and types in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is the Ovary of the plant?
  • Structure of Ovary in Plants
  • Types of Ovary in Plants
  • Function of Ovary in Plants
  • Significance of Types of Ovary in Plants
  • Conclusion – Types of Ovary in Plants
  • FAQs on Types of Ovary in Plants

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