
Sublimation is the process of solids converting straight to gases. When solids absorb enough energy, the forces of attraction between them are totally eliminated. Sublimation occurs when solids, such as dry ice, are heated. We can’t forget about air fresheners while we’re talking about sublimation examples. Solid air fresheners (such as those used in toilets) have a distinction for being exquisite in nature.

Change of State of Matter

When cubes of ice melt into water or liquid boils into vapor, you may have seen changes in states of matter, but have you ever wondered why the substances change their form? When matter loses or gains energy, it changes its condition. When a substance gains energy, its molecules or atoms move faster, and extra kinetic energy pushes the particles at a sufficient distance apart from one another that their shape changes. Typically, this energy is called thermal energy or heat. Let us look at the science supporting the shifting states of matter in this post.

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Sublimation is the process of solids converting straight to gases. When solids absorb enough energy, the forces of attraction between them are totally eliminated. Sublimation occurs when solids, such as dry ice, are heated. We can’t forget about air fresheners while we’re talking about sublimation examples. Solid air fresheners (such as those used in toilets) have a distinction for being exquisite in nature....


Deposition is a phase change in which a gas becomes a solid without first passing through the liquid phase. Thermodynamics governs the process of deposition. Sublimation is the inverse of deposition, hence deposition is also referred to as desublimation. For example, water vapour in the air transforms to small ice crystals when warm moist air inside a house comes into touch with a freezing cold windowpane....

Change of State of Matter FAQs

What is matter?...