Swaran Singh Committee Fundamental Duties

The fundamental duties prescribed in Article 51 (A) refer to ethics, moral values and civic duties. These are those duties that any citizen, despite it’s race, creed, religion must follow to ensure the smooth run of the country with no acts of violence and damage to the very essence of nation and it’s democracy. The fundamental duties state the following :

  1. It is the duty of every citizen to abide by the laws and rules imposed by the constitution and if a citizen fails to do so, he or she will be imposed a penalty under the national honour act. It’s the moral duty of the citizen to respect the national flag and the national anthem.
  2. Every citizen is entitled to follow the ideals which bought freedom to the country during the long freedom struggle and must not disregard any of them.
  3. According to the constitution (preamble), every citizen should follow the aspects of sovereignty, secularism, and fraternity.
  4. Every citizen must defend the country as and when the situation arises, and must always be in support of it’s country.
  5. Every citizen must be ethical, and should respect all religions by not declaring one’s own religion as supreme, not indulge into derogatory happenings with women and deal with them respectfully.
  6. The citizens of India must comply with and praise the national heritage and culture of India.
  7. The citizen must save and protect the natural vegetation, wildlife and national heritage of the country and not make harm to any.
  8. The citizens must think every thought scientifically and not get swayed away by religious emotions, or by the talks of many.
  9. Every citizen must make sure that he or she does no harm to the public property of the country as it directly falls under the Prevention of Public Property Act, 1984.
  10. Every citizen must try to perform exceptionally well in his or her field of work, so as in to bring about betterment for the nation and take it to great heights.
  11. (Amendment 2002) This states that it is the right of every citizen of the country to provide mandatory education to children aged 6-14 years, and provide opportunities for girl children.

On taking a keen look at all of these fundamental duties, we may find that all of the fundamental duties described at the start or directly or indirectly linked to the situation of the national emergency in 1975-77. This means that these fundamental duties were prescribed keeping in mind the then situations of terror and violence. It became a matter of national significance as then any person committing to any of the crimes during those times could be directly arrested by the police personnel under acts described in the constitution.

Swaran Singh Committee

The Sardar Swaran Singh Committee was set up by the Congress Party in 1976 to suggest ideas about fundamental duties and tackle the ongoing situation of National Emergency which had imbalanced the entire country by disrupting the peace and security of the nation. It was formed with the thought to deal with the ongoing havoc in the country and make people realize some of their basic fundamental duties.

This article describes the significance of the Swaran Singh committee, along with its invention, advantages, and benefits.

Table of Content

  • What is the Swaran Singh Committee?
  • When was the Swaran Singh Committee Founded?
  • Swaran Singh Committee Recommendations
  • Swaran Singh Committee Members
  • Swaran Singh Committee Fundamental Duties
  • Swaran Singh Committee UPSC

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Conclusion – Swaran Singh Committee

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FAQs on Swaran Singh Committee

When was the Swaran Singh Committee formed?...