The Stonehenge: Stages of Creation

According to decade-long excavation results and a couple of archaeologists, Stonehenge was developed through different centuries, step by step. Following are the brief details of the phases it took for completion.

  • Stage I- It was around 3100 BC. In the very first phase, the builders dug up a ditch of 110m in diameter with 56 pits, 1m diameter each, surrounding the ditch. The circular perimeter had two openings, one in the South and a big one at the northeast spot. The pits were believed to hold timbers creating a timber circle. 
  • Stage II- The second stage took place between 2900-2600 BC. During this period, some new additions to the structure occurred. Standing timbers were added to the entrances and new postholes having 0.4 diameters were dug. Excavations say, nearly 30 cremations were committed in the ditch.
  • Stage III- Believed to occur around 2600 BC, the design had the stones included in this very phase. Diggers made two concentric circles with Bluestones, which were believed to be brought from Wales.
  • Stage IV- Around 2600-2350 BC, they brought 30 Sarsen stones from the West Woods of the same province. They erected them in a circular formation with a 1m gap each. On top, they linked 30 lintel stones with tongue & groove and mortise & tenon methods.
  • Stage V- About 2400-2300 BC, the bluestones were believed to be rearranged. Details are still unclear.
  • Stage VI- This certain phase involved major rearrangements and occurred around 2300-1900 BC. The bluestones were arranged in a circle between both the Sarsen circles and in the most inner area with an oval shape formation.
  • Stage VII- This phase doesn’t involve any further additions, but modifications were made. Occurred around 1900-1600 BC, the builders removed stones from the oval perimeter of innermost bluestones and wide opened the northeast spot leaving the formation in a horseshoe shape. 
  • Last Stage- During Iron Age, 1500 BC, the last ever known modifications were made which leaves the final structure what we see today.

The Stonehenge: 21st Century

Talking about the present time, Stonehenge is one of the most prominent prehistoric wonders from the Bronze Age and still managed to be on its very own foot to date. Today, it serves as a tourist destination and scholar’s pilgrimage. It currently comes under the jurisdiction of The Crown of the very province. In the past decade, a storm disturbed the remaining structure when a stone fell to the ground.

Where is Stonehenge? – History, Location, Facts

Can you think of an early computing device without any circuits and wires at all working without any so-called electricity or any kind of source? So, here is one, which is more like an astronomical compass built 4-5 millennia before. Yeah, there is something like this actually exists in our world. In the Land of English, exists Stonehenge, vertical standing groups of huge rocks is much more than it seems. Many archaeologists claim that it was used for sacrificial purposes, others claim it to be a temple for Druids and some put the wildest ideas forth claiming it to be the work of extraterrestrials. You don’t believe that? Well, let us dig a little deeper and get to know more about Stonehenge in this article. 

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