Types Of ASK Demodulation

There are mainly two types of Demodulation which is performed namely envelope detection and coherent detection technique:

  • Envelope detection
  • Coherent detection

Envelope detection

Envelop detection is a relatively simpler method as compared to coherent detection which is used for demodulating Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) signals. It primarily focuses on extracting the envelope of the modulated signal to recover the original digital data.

The steps involved in this technique is as follows

  • The modulated ASK signal, which contains the carrier signal and the digital data, is received by the demodulator. This is called receiving of signal.
  • The received signal is then passed through a diode. The diode rectifies the signal, allowing only the positive portion of the waveform (the envelope) to pass through it. This process is called Diode Rectification.
  • Following the rectification process, a low-pass filter is applied to the rectified signal. This filter helps remove or discard the high-frequency carrier signal, leaving the varying amplitude that represents the original digital data. This process is called Low-Pass Filtering of the modulated signal.
  • Once the signal has been filtered by passing it through the LPF, a threshold detection mechanism is used to interpret the amplitude changes. Comparing the amplitudes to a predefined threshold helps to determine the transmitted digital data. If the amplitude is above the threshold, it might be interpreted as one bit ‘1’, and if it’s below the threshold, it might be interpreted as the other bit ‘0’. This is called Threshold Detection.
  • The message signal is recovered from the modulated signal.

ASK Demodulator

Coherent detection

This is another method which is used for demodulation of ASK signal. It involves phase synchronization with the carrier wave.

The steps involved in this technique is as follows

  • The received signal is mixed with a local oscillator, aligning its phase and frequency with the original carrier signal. This process is called Reception.
  • Filtering isolates the part of the mixed signal that corresponds to the data signal.
  • The demodulator sets an amplitude threshold to distinguish between the ‘1’ and ‘0’ states.
  • The amplitude of the received signal is compared against the threshold to determine the transmitted data.

In this way the original message signal is recovered.

ASK Coherent detection demodulation

Amplitude Shift Keying

In digital communication, different modulation techniques are used to transmit data or message to receiver over a communication channel . One such technique is Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK). It is a modulation technique that alters the amplitude of a carrier signal to transmit the information over channel. It is a modulation scheme having wide range of application in real world which includes radio, television, and digital data transmission.

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Amplitude Shift Keying

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Carrier signal is chosen to be of very high frequency as compared to the message signal. It is usually a sinusoidal waveform. Message signal consists of a binary stream of data. In ASK the high amplitude is represented by ‘1’ and low amplitude is represented by ‘0’. Modulated signal is generated as the resultant of the product of message signal and carrier signal(Modulation). If the message is represented by m(t), carrier as c(t) the the modulated waveform f(t)=m(t)*c(t) and this is transmitted over the communication channel. At receiver end, the modulated signal is demodulated to get the message binary stream(Demodulation). At receiver various mechanisms are used to recover the original message.Amplitude Shift Keying...

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ASK Demodulation

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Types Of ASK Demodulation

There are mainly two types of Demodulation which is performed namely envelope detection and coherent detection technique:...


There are various advantages of using ASK as a modulation technique....


Susceptibility to Noise: ASK is more sensitive to noise and interference compared to other modulation techniques like Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) or Phase Shift Keying (PSK). Fluctuations in the amplitude caused by noise can lead to errors in data recovery at the receiver end. Bandwidth Inefficiency: ASK can be less bandwidth efficient compared to other modulation techniques. It requires more bandwidth because it uses changes in amplitude to encode data, which can limit the number of bits transmitted in a given bandwidth. Power Inefficiency: Transmitting signals at varying amplitudes requires more power compared to constant amplitude transmission. This can be a disadvantage in scenarios where power efficiency is critical. Limited Data Rate: ASK is generally limited in terms of achievable data rates compared to other modulation techniques. This limitation arises from the constraints on how fast the amplitude can be changed without distortion. Signal-to-Noise Ratio Sensitivity: ASK’s performance is highly dependent on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). As the ratio between the signal power and noise power decreases, the accuracy and reliability of data transmission can be significantly affected. Lack of Phase or Frequency Information: ASK only utilizes changes in amplitude to represent data, unlike other modulation techniques that use phase or frequency changes. This limitation might make it more vulnerable to certain types of interference and distortions....


Here comes a wide range of application of ASK...


In conclusion, Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) is a basic and straightforward modulation technique that encodes digital data by altering the amplitude of a carrier wave. While it has its advantages, including simplicity and ease of implementation, it also comes with several limitations such as susceptibility to noise, bandwidth inefficiency, power inefficiency, limited data rate, sensitive to SNR etc....

FAQs on Amplitude Shift Keying

1. Where is ASK used?...