How to use Custom Sorting Algorithm In Ruby

This method implements a custom sorting algorithm to sort the characters of the string str.


In this example, the input string “geekforgeeks” is iterated multiple times until the string is sorted.

# Define a method to sort a string's characters 
# alphabetically using a custom sorting algorithm.
def sort_string(str)
  # Get the length of the input string.
  str_length = str.length
  # Initialize a variable to track whether 
  # the string is sorted.
  sorted = false
  # Continue iterating until the string is sorted.
  until sorted
    # Assume the string is sorted initially.
    sorted = true
    # Iterate through the characters of the string.
    (str_length - 1).times do |i|
      # Compare adjacent characters.
      if str[i] > str[i + 1]
        # If the current character is greater than 
        # the next one, swap them.
        str[i], str[i + 1] = str[i + 1], str[i]
        # Since a swap was made, the string is not yet sorted.
        sorted = false
  # Return the sorted string.

# Example string to be sorted.
example_string = "geekforgeeks"

# Call the method to sort the example string 
# and print the result.
puts sort_string(example_string)


How to Sort a String Characters Alphabetically in Ruby?

This article focuses on discussing how to sort a string’s characters alphabetically in Ruby.

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