How to use Map In Javascript

  • In this apporch, we are using the Maps in JavaScript where we have used the two map objects (map1 and map2).
  • This objects establish the connection between the chacraters in the input pattern and words in the input string, as well as the reverse mapping.
  • This assures that the mappings are proper and returns true if the character and words are aligned correctly else false will be returned.


function checkPattern(str, pattern) {
    let words = str.split(' ')
    if (pattern.length !== words.length) return false
    let map1 = new Map();
    let map2 = new Map();
    for (let i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
        let key = pattern[i];
        let value = words[i];
        if (map1.has(key) || map2.has(value)) {
            if (map1.get(key) !== value) return false;
            if (map2.get(value) !== key) return false;
        } else {
            map1.set(key, value);
            map2.set(value, key);
    return true;

console.log(checkPattern("engineers rock", "er"));
console.log(checkPattern("engineers rock", "egr"));
console.log(checkPattern("engineers rock", "gsr"));


JavaScript Program to Check if String Follows Order of Characters Defined by a Pattern or Not

In this JavaScript article, we will see the solution to the problem of checking if a string follows the order of characters defined by a pattern or not. We have given a string and pattern as the input and our task is to develop a program that will check whether the input string follows the same pattern according to the pattern given.


To solve this problem, we have three different approaches which are mentioned below:

Table of Content

  • Using JavaScript Loops
  • Using JavaScript Map
  • Using Builtin Functions ‘every’, ‘reduce’, and ‘split’
  • Using Regular Expression:

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