What are Diastereomers?

Diastereomers have ring structures which are chemical compounds having the same molecular formula and they are non-mirror images. These elements are not super-imposable. They include cis-trans isomers, stereoisomers, and double-bond isomers. They can have more than one chiral center. They are having a different melting, boiling point, and densities. They are optically inactive. They don’t have an equal angle of rotation. Diastereomers can be separated with the help of chromatography, fractional crystallization, and fraction crystallization. They have some R, and S configurations in one stereocenter. For example – Tartaric acid, Chlorine Atom, Ethyl, and so on.

Difference Between Enantiomers And Diastereomers

Difference Between Enantiomers And Diastereomers: Stereoisomers are classified into Enantiomers and Diastereomers. Enantiomers occur from chirality. It is a molecule that contains a single atom bounded by four substituents that form enantiomers. They consist of mirror images of one another. When the two enantiomers consist of the same proportions they are known as a racemic mixture. On the other hand, Diastereomers have ring structures which are chemical compounds having the same molecular formula. They don’t have mirror images of one another. They can have more than one chiral center. They are having different melting, boiling point, and densities.

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Difference Between Enantiomers and Diastereomers

Enantiomers Diastereomers Definition Enantiomers refer to chemical compounds that are not superimposable mirror images. Diastereomers refer to chemical compounds that are not superimposable and are non-mirror images. Mirror Image They consist of mirror images of one another They don’t have mirror images of one another. Shape Enantiomer molecular shapes are the same. Diastereomer’s molecular shapes are different. Pairing The molecules are present in a paired form. The molecules are present separately. Physical Properties They can be distinguished by polarized light. They are identified by non-mirror images and non-identical stereoisomers. Rotation They have an equal but opposite angle of rotation. They have an equal angle of rotation, unlike enantiomers....

What are Enantiomers?

Enantiomers occur from chirality which is a chemical compound that is a mirror image of one another and they are not superimposable. It is a molecule that contains a single atom bounded by four substituents that form enantiomers. They are optical isomers. When the two enantiomers consist of the same proportions they are known as a racemic mixture. Chiral and Enantiomers are different from each other. Enantiomers exist in two different forms which are not superposed towards each other unlike chiral. Enantiomers are found in pairs the two molecules are categorized as R-enantiomer or S-enantiomer. They consist of identical physical and chemical properties. For example – lactic acid, Amino acid, D-alanine, and so on....

What are Diastereomers?

Diastereomers have ring structures which are chemical compounds having the same molecular formula and they are non-mirror images. These elements are not super-imposable. They include cis-trans isomers, stereoisomers, and double-bond isomers. They can have more than one chiral center. They are having a different melting, boiling point, and densities. They are optically inactive. They don’t have an equal angle of rotation. Diastereomers can be separated with the help of chromatography, fractional crystallization, and fraction crystallization. They have some R, and S configurations in one stereocenter. For example – Tartaric acid, Chlorine Atom, Ethyl, and so on....

Similarities Between Enantiomers and Diastereomers

Stereoisomers are classified into Enantiomers and Diastereomers. They both are not superimposable. They both are optically active and consist of chiral centers....


Therefore Isomers can be classified into two types – stereoisomers and structural isomers. The two types of stereoisomers are Enantiomers and Diastereomers. Enantiomers are chemical compounds that are not superimposable mirror images whereas Diastereomers are chemical compounds that are not superimposable and also they are not mirror images. Enantiomers are optical isomers and Diastereomers are optically inactive....

FAQs on Enantiomers and Diastereomers

Q1. Define Enantiomers....