

Mixins are a way of reusing a class’s methods in multiple class hierarchies. Mixins can be understood as abstract classes used for reusing the methods in various classes that have similar functions/attribute. Mixins are a way to abstract and reuse a family of operations and state. It is similar to the reuse you get from extending a class, but is not multiple inheritances. There still only exists one superclass.


With is used to include Mixins. A mixin is a different type of structure, which can only be used with the keyword with.


Mixin is a different type of structure, which can only be used with the keyword with. In Dart, a class can play the role of mixin if the class is does not have a constructor. It is also important to note that a mixin doesn’t force a type restriction nor it imposes usage restrictions on the class methods.





// mixin with name First
mixin First {
  void firstFunc(){
// mixin with name temp
mixin temp {
  void number(){
// mixin type used with keyword
class Second with First, temp{
  void firstFunc(){
    print('can override if needed');
void main(){
  var second = Second();




can override if needed


Dart – extends Vs with Vs implements

All developers working with dart for application development using the Flutter framework  regularly encounters different usage of the implements, extends and with  keywords. In Dart, one class can inherit another class i.e dart can create a new class from an existing class. We make use of keywords to do so. In this article, we will look into 3 of the keywords used for the same purpose and compare them, namely:

  • extends
  • with
  • implements

Let’s look into them one at a time.

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In Dart, the extends keyword is typically used to alter the behavior of a class using Inheritance.  The capability of a class to derive properties and characteristics from another class is called Inheritance. It is ability of a program to create new class from an existing class. In simpler words, we can say that we use extends to create a subclass, and super to refer to the superclass. The class whose properties are inherited by child class is called Parent Class. Parent class is also known as base class or super class.The class that inherits properties from another class is called child class. Child class is also known as derived class, heir class, or subclass.The extends keyword is the typical OOP class inheritance. If class Second extends class First all properties, variables, methods implemented in class First are also available in Second class. Additionally, you can override methods....



