Women In Canadian History – (1645 – 2022)

Canada’s history has been shaped by many determined women who worked hard to promote and uphold gender equality. These women fought for important rights such as the right to vote in provincial and federal elections, the right to own property, the right to fair wages, and ultimately, the right to be seen as “persons” under the law. Nowadays, Canadian women are protected from unfair treatment based on factors like gender, age, and marital status by laws such as the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Year Milestone
1645 Jeanne Mance founds Canada’s first hospital
1813 Laura Secord, Canadian heroine of the War of 1812
1853 Mary Ann Shadd Cary becomes the first Black newspaperwoman in North America
1867 Dr. Emily Stowe becomes the first Canadian woman physician to practice in Canada
1875 Grace Annie Lockhart pioneers women’s university education
1897 Clara Brett Martin becomes Canada’s first woman lawyer
1903 Emma Baker is the first woman to receive a Ph.D. from a Canadian university
1914-1918 First female officers serve with the Canadian Army Medical Corps
1916 Women in Manitoba become the first in Canada to win the right to vote
1917 Louise McKinney and Roberta MacAdams Price are the first women elected to a legislature in the British Empire
1918 Some women are granted the right to vote in federal elections
1921 Agnes Macphail becomes the first woman elected to the House of Commons
1924 Cecile Eustace Smith represents Canada in an Olympic Games for the first time
1927 The Famous Five petition in the groundbreaking Persons Case
1929 Women are declared as “persons”
1941 Women’s Divisions are established in the Army Corps and the Royal Canadian Navy
1954 Elsie Knott is the first woman elected chief of a First Nation community
1960 All Canadian women are given the right to vote
1967 The Royal Commission on the Status of Women is established
1969 Réjane Laberge-Colas is the first woman appointed as a judge to a superior court
1970 Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women is tabled in Parliament
1971 The Canadian Labour Code is amended
1977 The Canadian Human Rights Act is created
1979 Nellie J. Cournoyea becomes the first woman to serve as premier of a territory
1981 Women’s rights are enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
1983 Jeanne Sauvé becomes the first woman to serve as Governor General of Canada
1987 Combat roles in the Royal Canadian Air Force are opened to women
1992 Dr. Roberta Bondar is the first Canadian woman astronaut sent into space
1993 Jean Augustine is the first Black Canadian woman elected to the House of Commons
1993 Kim Campbell is the first woman Prime Minister of Canada
1995 Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action is adopted
1996 Sexual orientation is added to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
2001 Canadian Human Rights Commission recommends a pay equity system
2001 A task force to address pay equity is appointed
2004 The Standing Committee on the Status of Women is established
2005 Same-sex marriage becomes legal nationwide
2009 Josée Kurtz becomes the first woman to command a major Canadian warship
2012 Canada leads a successful international campaign at the United Nations to establish the International Day of the Girl
2015 First gender-balanced Cabinet in Canadian history is announced
2015 National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is launched
2017 Gender expression and gender identity are added to the Canadian Human Rights Act
2017 Canada takes action against gender-based violence
2019 Karen Jensen becomes the first-ever Canada’s Pay Equity Commissioner
2019 Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is released
2022 The endorsement of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence is a significant step towards gender equality

People Also Read

Women Empowerment in Canada

Canada has the highest rate of women’s labor force participation in the world with 61.3% women. Half of the students who went to college are women. 75% of women who work for themselves love their job. Only around a quarter of women are in charge as managers or leaders. Canada is in 18th place globally for how many women are in parliament, with almost 30% of the seats in the House of Commons held by women in 2023.

Immigrant women had 11.6% of seats in the House of Commons, which is a bit more than Canadian-born women. In a recent study, 69 Canadian companies found that women make up about 45% of all new employees, but only 25% hold the position of vice president and 15% of CEOs. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), almost all adult women in Canada will be literate in 2022.

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Women In Canadian History – (1645 – 2022)

Canada’s history has been shaped by many determined women who worked hard to promote and uphold gender equality. These women fought for important rights such as the right to vote in provincial and federal elections, the right to own property, the right to fair wages, and ultimately, the right to be seen as “persons” under the law. Nowadays, Canadian women are protected from unfair treatment based on factors like gender, age, and marital status by laws such as the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms....

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