Working with Multiple Pages in a Google Form

Now that you know the basics of creating a Google Form with multiple pages, let us now look at some other things that you can do to make things easier while working with multiple pages in Google Forms.

Collapse Sections

Say there is a particular question that you seem to have added in two sections and now you want to find and delete it from one of the sections.

If you are working with a lot of questions, you might find it tedious to go through all the questions and the corresponding options and blanks to find the required question.

Thus, to only see the questions of a section (and hide the corresponding options and answer area from view), you can use the collapse section option:

collapse section

You will see that a simple click changes the view of the section like this:

changed view

Move Sections

If you are not happy with the sequence in which the pages appear, then you can change that by moving the sections as desired.

Step 1: Click the three dots

Click the three dots present to the right of a section.

three dots

Step 2: Select the Move section

Select the Move Section option from the list.

move section

Step 3: Drag the section

In the dialog box that opens, click on the six dots present to the left of the section you wish to reposition and simply drag and drop the section to the desired position.

drag and drop section

Step 4: Save the changes

Once you are satisfied, click Save.


Delete Section

If there is a section that you would like to delete, then you can do that very easily.

Step 1: Click the three dots

Go to the desired section and click the three dots present to the right of the section.

three dots

Step 2: Delete Section

Click on the delete section option and the section will be deleted.

delete section

Merge Section

If you want to merge two sections into one, follow these steps:

Note that you can only merge a given section with the section present above it. So, make sure to head over to the right section as you merge them.

Step 1: Click the three dots

Go to the desired section and click the three dots present to the right of the section.

three dots

Step 2: Merge with above

Choose the merge with the above option from the list.

merge with above

Add Progress Bar

By default, the respondents can’t see how many pages a form contains. Thus, using a progress bar would not only provide the respondents with this information but would also add an element of interactivity.

Step 1: Go to the settings

Go to the settings option present at the top.


Step 2: Presentation drop-down

Go to the presentation drop-down present under the settings menu.

presentation drop down

Step 3: Turn the toggle on

Turn the Show progress bar toggle on.

show progress bar

You can see that now when you preview the form, there is a progress bar present at the bottom of the form:

resultant progress bar

How to Make Multiple Pages on Google Forms – Latest Update

Whether you are hiring new people for your team, creating surveys to analyze the market and needs, taking feedback, or even just collecting customer information to fulfill a service, Google Forms can be your go-to tool. Not only does Google Forms provide a range of tools to perform a number of cool things, but it also comes with a user-friendly interface, making everything a matter of a few clicks.

A really cool feature of Google Forms is that it allows you to create a form with multiple pages. You can use this functionality to divide your form into sections or pages to give a structured flow to the form content. You can add different kinds of questions in each section of the Google Form as needed and further change how the users navigate between the different pages.

In this post, we will discuss all about creating a Google Form with multiple pages. So without further ado, let’s begin!

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