Painting a Wall Animation using Flash

Flash is an easy-to-use software that is used to create animations, components, props, etc. Images can be easily made in this and different types of images or sound files can be imported or exported in different file formats like scalable vector graphics, JPEG, PNG, etc. It comes with a set of handy tools which help in minimizing the efforts without compromising with the animation quality.

Wall Painting Animation

Wall painting animation is used in animation projects like showing the logo of any organization or making intros of any seminar or event. This animation is easy to create and also appealing to the users so we will create this animation in flash using a simple and easy method, for this, we will need an image of a paint roller so make sure to download copyright-free images. Follow the below steps to animate painting a wall.

Step 1: Open a new project in Adobe Flash.

Step 2: Import the image of the paint roller on the stage.

Step 3: Name this layer as roller.

Step 4: Add one more layer and name it White Wall, draw a rectangle of white color on the stage which should be of the size of the stage.

Step 5: Add another layer and name it to paint, draw a rectangle of orange color on the stage which should be of the size of stage.

Step 6: Add frame at frame 60 at all layers.

Step 7: Add a key frame at frame 10 on the roller layer.

Step 8: At this frame changes the position of the roller to the bottom.

Step 9: Select the middle frame and apply classic tween.

Step 10: Now switch to the outline mode by pressing the rectangle on the timeline.

Step 11: On the white wall, the layer changes the shape of a rectangle to match with the roller and the paint layer will become visible.

Step 12: Now frame by frame match the paint layer with the roller layer by changing the shape of white layer.

Step 13: Once this part is done, add a keyframe at frame 15 on the roller layer and then change the roller position.

Step 14: Select a middle frame and apply classic tween.

Step 15: Again do the same thing as done in step 12 to paint the wall.

Step 16: Use the same procedure to paint the complete wall.

Step 17: Press the run button to see the animation.

Congratulations your painting wall animation is ready now you can press Ctrl + Enter to see the output. Here is the output video of the animation.