Percentage Calculator – Free Online Calculator

Percentage Calculator: A tool that helps you quickly calculate the percentage of a number. A percentage is a dimensionless ratio or number expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent symbol “%”. The website w3wiki has created a special, easy, and quick tool for this. It gives you the correct answer every time. Calculating percentages is an essential skill that we often use in daily life, from figuring out discounts while shopping to understanding finance charges.

How to Use the Percentage Calculator

Calculating percentages can be broken down into a simple three-step process:

1. Identify the Whole: Determine the total or whole value that represents 100%

2. Determine the Part: Find the portion or part of the whole that you’re interested in calculating.

3. Perform the Calculation: Divide the part by the whole and then multiply by 100 to find the percentage.

What is a Percentage Calculator?

A percentage calculator is a guide that provides the necessary steps to help people perform percentage calculations manually. It’s not an electronic device or software application; it’s a method to understand the math behind the percentage and apply it effectively in various situations.

Percentage Calculator Formula

The Percentage Calculator is a simple way to figure out what one number is as a percentage of another. Here’s how it works:

  1. Divide the number you want to find the percentage of by the total or whole number.
  2. Multiply the result by 100.

This gives you the percentage. The formula looks like this:

Percentage = (Part / Total) × 100

Percentage Calculator Table

Here’s a simple reference table for quick percentage calculations of a whole value of 100:

Percentage Calculation Result
1% 1% of 100 1
2% 2% of 100 2
5% 5% of 100 5
10% 10% of 100 10
15% 15% of 100 15
20% 20% of 100 20
25% 25% of 100 25
50% 50% of 100 50

Solved Examples on Percentage Calculator

Three numerical examples to see how we apply our percentage calculation method:

1. Finding 10% of 250:

250 × 0.10 = 25

2. Calculating 20% of 150:

150 × 0.20 = 30

3. What is 30% of 400?

400 × 0.30 = 120

3 Practice Questions on Percentage Calculator

1. What is 40% of 90?

2. What is the price if a shirt costs Rs.50 and is on sale for 25% off?

3. A student scored 18 out of 20 on a quiz. What percentage did they score?


Percentage Calculator is a highly effective tool for anyone needing to work out percentages quickly and accurately. Whether you’re calculating discounts, figuring out interest rates, or analyzing data, this tool simplifies the process and ensures you get reliable results. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to work out percentages without the need for a digital calculator.

Percentage Calculator – Free Online Calculator – FAQs

What is a Percentage Calculator?

A percentage calculator is a guide that provides the necessary steps to help people perform percentage calculations manually.

Can I calculate a percentage of any number? 

Yes, you can calculate a percentage of any number using the same method described.

What if my ‘whole’ value is less than 100? 

No problem. The ‘whole’ can be any number. Just divide the ‘part’ by the ‘whole’ and multiply by 100.

What is a percentage?

A percentage is a way to show a number as a part of 100. It helps us understand how big one thing is compared to another.

How do you calculate a percentage?

To find a percentage, you divide the part (the smaller number) by the whole (the total number), and then multiply by 100.

Is there a difference between a percentage and a fraction? 

Yes. A fraction is a part of a whole expressed as a ratio, while a percentage is a fraction expressed as a part of 100.

How can I increase my speed in calculating percentages?

Practice regularly and familiarize yourself with common percentages of numbers.