Percentage Decrease Calculator – Free Online Calculator

Percentage Decrease Calculator: A tool that helps you figure out how much something has decreased in percentage terms. Whether you’re dealing with prices, scores, or any other numbers, using percentage decrease calculator can quickly show you how much things have changed. w3wiki has a online percentage decrease calculator makes it easy to see the difference in percentage when a value gets smaller. It’s great for students, teachers, businesses, and anyone who needs to figure out percentage decreases in a simple and accurate way. 

How to Use the Percentage Decrease Calculator

The percentage decrease calculator is a tool that helps you figure out how much something has decreased in percentage. It’s like a magic box that tells you how much smaller something is compared to before.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: First, you need to know two numbers: the original number (the starting amount) and the new number (the amount after the decrease).

Step 2: Then, you subtract the new number from the original number to find out how much it has decreased. This gives you a decreased amount.

Step 3: After that, you divide the decreased amount by the original number and multiply the result by 100. This gives you the percentage decrease.

For example, if you had 100 apples and now you only have 80 apples, the decrease is 20 apples:

To find the percentage decrease, you’d divide 20 by 100 (the original amount) and then multiply by 100. So, the percentage decrease is 20%.

The percentage decrease calculator does all the hard work for you, so you don’t have to worry about doing complicated math.

What Is a Percentage Decrease Calculator?

A percentage decrease calculator is a tool that helps you find out how much something has gone down in percentage. You type in the original number and the new number after the decrease. Then, it tells you by what percentage the original number has reduced.

Percentage Decrease Calculator Formula

To find the percentage decrease between two numbers, follow these steps:

1. Subtract the smaller number from the larger one to find the difference.

   If you have 80 apples today and 60 apples tomorrow, subtract 60 from 80. The difference is 20.

2. Divide the difference by the original number (the larger one).

   Divide 20 by 80. You get 0.25.

3. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage decrease.

   Multiply 0.25 by 100. You get 25%.

So, the percentage decrease in this example is 25%. That means you have 25% fewer apples tomorrow compared to today.

Percentage Decrease Calculator Table

Here’s a simple table to help you understand percentage decrease better:

Original Number Decrease Amount New Number
100 10 90
50 20 30
200 25 175
80 5 75
120 15 105

Solved Examples on Percentage Decrease Calculator

Example 1:

Let’s say you have $100 in your wallet. You spend $20 on lunch. What is the percentage decrease in your wallet balance?

  • Initial amount = $100
  • Amount spent = $20

Decrease = Initial amount – Amount spent = $100 – $20 = $80

Percentage decrease = (Decrease / Initial amount) * 100

Percentage decrease = ($80 / $100) * 100 = 80%

Example 2:

You have a collection of 50 marbles. You give away 10 marbles to your friend. What is the percentage decrease in the number of marbles you have?

  • Initial number of marbles = 50
  • Number of marbles given away = 10

Decrease = Initial number of marbles – Number of marbles given away = 50 – 10 = 40

Percentage decrease = (Decrease / Initial number of marbles) * 100

Percentage decrease = (40 / 50) * 100 = 80%

Example 3:

You have a garden with 200 flowers. Due to a storm, 50 flowers got damaged. What is the percentage decrease in the number of flowers in your garden?

  • Initial number of flowers = 200
  • Number of flowers damaged = 50

Decrease = Initial number of flowers – Number of flowers damaged = 200 – 50 = 150

Percentage decrease = (Decrease / Initial number of flowers) * 100

Percentage decrease = (150 / 200) * 100 = 75%

Practical Question On Percentage Decrease Calculator

Q1. You have 100 candies, and you gave away 20 candies to your friends. What percentage of candies did you decrease?

Q2. If you had $50 in your wallet yesterday, but today you spent $10, what is the percentage decrease in your wallet’s money?

Q3.  Your favourite store offered a 25% discount on a dress you wanted to buy. If the original price was $80, what is the percentage decrease in the price after the discount?


Percentage Decrease Calculator is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that helps you quickly find out how much something has gone down in percentage. Whether you’re dealing with prices, scores, or any numbers in daily life or work, this calculator makes it simple. Using the percentage decrease calculator is simple. You just need to input the original value and the new value, and it will give you the percentage decrease.

Percentage Decrease Calculator – Free Online Calculator – FAQs

What is a Percentage Decrease Calculator?

   A Percentage Decrease Calculator is a tool used to find out how much something has decreased in percentage. It helps to understand how much smaller something has become.

How does a Percentage Decrease Calculator work?

A Percentage Decrease Calculator works by taking two numbers: the original amount and the new amount. Then it calculates the difference between them, divides it by the original amount, and multiplies it by 100 to get the percentage decrease.

What is the formula for a Percentage Decrease Calculator?

   The formula for a Percentage Decrease Calculator is: 

   Percentage Decrease = ((Original Value – New Value) / Original Value) × 100

Can you give an example of using a Percentage Decrease Calculator?

  Sure! If you had $100 and now you have $80, you can use the Percentage Decrease Calculator to find out how much you decreased. By putting these values into the formula, you can find that it decreased by 20%.

Why is a Percentage Decrease Calculator useful?

A Percentage Decrease Calculator is useful because it helps us understand changes easily. For example, if something becomes cheaper, we can quickly know by what percentage it has decreased using this calculator.