Precision Farming

Precision Farming is a modern approach to farming that uses advanced sensors and analysis tools to boost crop yields and make better decisions. It’s a global practice aimed at increasing production, saving time and effort in farming, and managing fertilizers and irrigation more efficiently.

Precision farming combines remote sensing and data collection with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to enable farmers to adjust crop management to in-field variability. Farmers can control their crops with precision without compromising crop yields.

In this article, we will look into what is Precision Farming, along with its definition, examples, technologies, components, objectives, and advantages of precision farming in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Precision Farming?
  • Precision Farming in India
  • Precision Farming Examples
  • Precision Farming Technologies
  • Components of Precision Farming
  • Precision Farming vs Traditional Farming
  • Objectives of Precision Farming
  • Advantages of Precision Farming
  • Future Scope of Precision Farming

What is Precision Farming?

Precision farming is a farming process that integrates data to support management choices based on estimated variability for increased productivity, quality, profitability, sustainability, and efficient use of resources in agricultural production. It is called “precision” because its main goal is to provide the right measure (such as watering crops) at the right moment and place while addressing the unique needs of each crop and each piece of land with the highest degree of precision possible.

Precision farming aims to maximize yields by precisely calculating input amounts (water, fertilizer, etc.). This lowers input consumption and related expenses, allowing for more effective management of agriculture. The market for precision agriculture in India was estimated to be worth USD 102.31 million in 2023. It is projected to expand through 2029 at a CAGR of 6.12%. This growth is motivated by food security concerns in India.

Precision Farming Definition

Precision Farming can be defined as a management approach that collects, organizes, and evaluates temporal, spatial, and individual plant and animal data.

Precision Farming in India

“The Mission of Digital Agriculture, 2021–2025” The effort seeks to enhance the overall performance of the sector by using a variety of technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, and drone technology.

AI-Powered Crop Yield Forecast Model

  • In May 2018, NITI Aayog and IBM teamed up to create an AI-powered agricultural production forecast algorithm to give farmers real-time advice.
  • To raise farmers’ incomes, the partnership seeks to offer ideas on how to improve crop production, raise soil yield, and manage agricultural inputs. It involves the use of mobile applications, IT, and comprehensive satellite weather advisory data, all aimed at increasing crop productivity and reducing costs via improved farm management.

AI-Enabled Agricultural Sensors

  • With AI sensors, the Indian government is enabling small-holder farmers to raise agricultural yields and put more control over prices, a move that has been made in partnership with Microsoft.
  • Drones can keep an eye on soil and crop health. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is working with six partner institutes on a project called “SENSAGRI: Sensor-based Smart Agriculture.” Its goal is to create an indigenous prototype for a drone-based system that uses remote sensors to monitor crop and soil health. For large-scale applications, this technique may also be coupled with satellite-based technologies.

Precision Farming Examples

The examples of precision farming are as follows:

  • One example of precision farming is Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI). With variable rate irrigation (VRI), farmers can modify the water flow and pressure of each sprinkler or nozzle by the soil moisture content, crop stage, and weather conditions. VRI can increase agricultural productivity and quality while saving energy, water, and fertilizer.
  • Another example is using sensors, cameras, and drones, crop sensing and spraying technology finds weeds, pests, and diseases in crops and selectively applies the right chemicals to the affected areas. This can lower the amount of chemicals used, increase spraying effectiveness, and stop pollution and resistance.

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Precision Farming Technologies

The following describes the technologies used in precision farming technology:

1. The Global Positioning System

  • Farm equipment placement in the field is identified by GPS. To apply variable rate technology in the field of agricultural input management, it offers a precise positioning system. The development of an effective system for remote sensing-based agriculture management is made possible by the Internet.
  • Grid sampling is a way of dividing fields into smaller sections.

2. Variable-Rate Technology (VRT)

This type of technology comprises agricultural field equipment that can accurately regulate the rate at which crop inputs, such as fertilizers, irrigation, tillage, pest control, etc., are applied.

3. Yield Monitors

Yield monitors are crop yield measuring devices installed on harvesting equipment. The yield data from the monitor is recorded and kept along with the positioning data from the GPS device.

4. Remote Sensors

To view crops from above (from a satellite or low-flying aircraft or drone) without coming into contact with them, record the image, and then display it is known as remote sensing in the agricultural industry.

5. Proximate Sensors

As the tractor moves over the field, proximate sensors can be used to assess crop characteristics and soil parameters like pH and nitrogen concentration.

6. Hardware and Software for Computers

To evaluate the data collected by other precision farming technology components and make it available in formats like maps, graphs, charts, or reports, computer support is needed.

Components of Precision Farming

The components of precision farming are as follows:

1. Monitoring of Yield

Instantaneous yield monitors track many parameters like distance, number of loads, and fields in as well as providing a crop yield based on time or distance.

2. Mapping Yields

The yield monitor data is provided with spatial coordinates via GPS receivers and yield monitors.

3. Fertilizer with Varying Rates

Fertilizer materials that are granular, liquid, or gaseous can be controlled with variable rate controllers.

4. Mapping of Weeds

When combining, planting, spraying, or field scouting, a farmer can use a keypad or buttons connected to a GPS receiver and datalogger to map weeds.

5. Differential Spraying

Spot control can be used if the locations of the weeds are known thanks to weed mapping.

6. Boundaries and Topography

Any field can have a very accurate topographic map created using high-accuracy DGPS.

7. Systems of Guidance

Currently, a number of firms are manufacturing guidance systems that can precisely position a moving vehicle within less than a foot by utilizing high-precision digital GPS.

Precision Farming vs Traditional Farming

Precision farming is different from traditional farming because it focuses on managing smaller areas within fields instead of treating the entire field as one unit. Here in this table, you can see the difference between precision farming and traditional farming.

Aspect Precision Farming Traditional Farming
Technology Use High use of advanced technologies like GPS, drones, AI, and sensors. Limited or no use of advanced technology; relies on conventional methods.
Data Analysis Utilizes data analytics for decision-making. Decisions are based more on experience and traditional knowledge.
Resource Management Efficient use of resources like water, fertilizers, and pesticides through targeted application. Generalized application of resources, often leading to overuse or inefficient use.
Environmental Impact Lower environmental impact due to optimized resource use and reduced chemical inputs. Higher potential for environmental impact due to less efficient resource use and higher chemical inputs.
Crop Monitoring Real-time monitoring of crop health and soil conditions. Monitoring based on visual inspection and experience.
Yield Optimization Higher potential for yield optimization through precise and timely interventions. Yields depend heavily on traditional practices and local knowledge.
Labor Requirements Reduced labor requirements due to automation and technology use. More labor-intensive, relying on manual labor for most tasks.
Cost Higher initial investment in technology and equipment. Lower initial investment, but potentially higher long-term costs due to inefficiencies.

Objectives of Precision Farming

The objectives of precision farming can be describes as follows:

  • Precision farming uses the precise application of inputs to maximize average yields.
  • It is the science of increasing crop yields through the use of advanced sensors and analytical instruments.
  • Precision farming makes use of a wide range of modern equipment and technologies to track many factors and collect data about crop development such as pH, soil moisture, etc..
  • Targeted interventions’ specificity contributes to increased yields by improving input effectiveness.

Advantages of Precision Farming

The advantages of Precision Farming are as follows:

  • Boost Agricultural Productivity: Accurate agricultural inputs such as water and fertilizers that are identified scientifically by analyzing data gathered by sensors, increase yield and agricultural production.
  • Reducing the Use of Chemicals in Crop Production: The quantity of input is chosen according to the needs. Fertilizers are only applied in areas lacking certain nutrients.
  • Prevents Soil Degradation: By avoiding excessive chemical use, unwanted chemicals are kept from leaking into the soil and harming it.
  • Effective Use of Water Resources: Water consumption is decreased via targeted water distribution using methods like fertigation. The act of directly delivering fertilizer to a crop by irrigation is known as fertilization.
  • Improvement of Farm Earnings: Farmers’ economic conditions get better, and farm earnings increase due to increased productivity, less input use, and decreased waste.
  • Post-Harvest: Farmers can get information on price, storage, transportation, and logistics with the use of digital instruments.

Future Scope of Precision Farming

The future scope of precision farming is vast and promising, with potential advancements and trends including:

  • The use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in precision farming will become more prevalent, enabling farmers to make more informed decisions based on large datasets.
  • The development of more sophisticated sensors will allow for real-time monitoring of soil conditions, crop health, and micro-climate conditions.
  • Drones and satellites will play a larger role in collecting aerial data for crop monitoring, soil health assessment, and irrigation management.
  • Precision farming will enable better traceability of produce from farm to fork, improving food safety and quality.
  • The development of cost-effective precision farming solutions will make these technologies accessible to small-scale farmers.

Conclusion – Precision Farming

Precision farming can increase crop yields, allowing farmers to produce more food from the same area of land. When resources like water, fertilizers, and pesticides are used more wisely, it can also assist lower input prices. Also, precision farming improves sustainability and lessens the negative environmental effects of agriculture by using less water and chemicals. Moreover, precision farming provides farmers with up-to-date information and insights so they can decide on crop management strategies that will maximize yield. While precision farming in India is still in its infancy, the use of emerging technologies is expanding quickly. The industry is expected to transform Indian agriculture and make it more productive, sustainable, and efficient as a result of the significant advances in technology that are occurring at an affordable cost.

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FAQs on Precision Farming

What are the benefits of precision farming?

Benefits of precision farming are increased yields, environmental benefits .

What is another name for precision agriculture?

“Prescription farming” or “variable rate technology” is another name of Precision agriculture.

What are the components of precision farming?

Remote sensing, GPS, variable rate technology are the components of precision farming.

What is the strategy of precision farming?

The strategy of precision farming is observing, measuring and responding to different data to bring efficiency in farming.

What is an example of precision farming?

Pressurized micro irrigation system is an example of precision farming.