Quine Work Experience as Discord Server Moderator

Before start writing my work experience, l want to discuss what is Quine. Quine is a platform promoting open-source projects. It actively hosts Quests (think of them as online/decentralized hackathons) in which you build a project on top of an open-source tech stack. The prize pool is generally at least 1,000 USD with a minimum prize of 8 USD for submitting a valid project. You can check all the details about Quine here: Quine Website(https://quine.sh/) and Quine Docs(https://docs.quine.sh/).

On 19th April 2024, I was selected as the first official moderator of the Quine Discord Community(https://discord.gg/gvtmmkR9) by the Quine Lead devRel, Baptiste Fernandez, and Quine India Lead Ambassador, Jay Saadana. Quine Server has about 6k members and they show active participation in the server as well as in participating in the Quine Quest. So, what’s the role of the Quine Discord Mod??

The role behind would entail:

  • Foster a welcoming and supportive community that focuses on bringing open-source devs.
  • Help in growing the community. This not only focuses on Discord but also our Twitter and LinkedIn following.
  • Be present and moderate any content that you think is irrelevant or spammy.

And, If things progress in the right direction, I will be given more responsibility.

The above role was assigned to me during my selection, but just after a few days, I got promoted, and now I have been assigned two more tasks. First, there is a section in the Quine Discord server, where the community members share their weekly achievements, and get a chance to win some merch. The winners are announced by the community on a voting basis, and the one who gets the most votes (reactions), will win. This section is called “Weekly Wins“. And my role here is to announce each week’s winner. And the second, but the most interesting task, When a new Quest starts in the Quine, which starts just after the one finishes, there is a discord event, which happens, generally, a day or two after the new Quest starts. So, my task is to present at the event and help the community by replying there follow-up questions and making the event more engaged

Although it’s a good server, but I feel, that sometimes it takes too much time. Here, I listed a few pros and cons of being a Moderator at Quine Discord Server.


  • No terms and conditions, I can leave this duty anytime, even without specifying reasons.
  • Good networking all around the Globe.
  • No Fixed Working Hours.
  • Full Support by the Quine team.
  • Development of interpersonal, communication, and professional skills.


  • Unpaid
  • Time Consuming, though it’s up to me only, but when you becomes part of a community, you can’t ignore it