Scientific Name Of Mustard

Brassica nigra is the scientific name of mustard. Mustard plants belong to the genus Brassica and are part of the Brassicaceae family which contains 372 genera and 4000 species. The Brassicaceae family includes various other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Common species of mustard plants include Brassica juncea (brown or Indian mustard), Brassica nigra (black mustard), and Brassica hirta (white or yellow mustard).

Table of Content

  • Scientific Name of Mustard
  • Taxonomy of Mustard
  • Characterstics of Mustard
  • FAQs on Scientific Name of Mustard

Scientific Name of Mustard

Brassica Nigra is the scientific name of the mustard. It is an herb that can be seen in the form of seeds or yellow flowers in various varieties such as yellow mustard, and brown mustard are used as spices and another is vegetable mustard which is used to make oil that grows annually they are in the form of seeds, leaves or oil even it’s seeds are rich in nutrients. In Hindi, it is called by the name “Rai”. Mustard is a good source of nutrients and fibers that work as antioxidants and are even good for our health at times of low blood pressure or heart problems, it has cancer-fighting properties as well.

Mustard is used to make food-favorable which originates in the Himalayas regions, Asia, Europe, and many other areas. It grows in the cold season with sufficient moisture and dragging soil. It appears in yellow, brown, and black color seeds. In these seeds, at least 30 to 40% oil is present that can be used for adding flavor to various types of foods in the form of seeds or oil, and at least provide us with 6 to 12% dietary fiber, 12 to 20% minerals, and 14 to 20% vitamins (B-Complex). Each type of mustard has its scientific name.

  • Yellow mustard (Sinapis alba)
  • Brown mustard or Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea)
  • Black mustard (Brassica Nigra)

Taxonomy of Mustard

The taxonomy of Mustard is as follows:

Scientific name

Brassica Nigra

















Geographical Distribution of Mustard

It grows well in cool to moderate temperatures and is mostly found in Nepal, Asia, Europe, the Himalayas regions, and many others. After all in 2021, Nepal produced a higher quantity of it. Its seeds provide us a rich source of oil and protein that helps in oil production and food preparation and if we talk about a single specific seed production. Yellow seeds are mostly found in Southern Europe, Brown seeds in cultivated in China and North India, and black seeds in South regions.

Habitat of Mustard

Mustard originated in the Himalayas regions over time it started being cultivated in various regions of India and was widely spread with time, where it grows annually with a height of up to 150 cm in the form of tap root. Otherwise, it can be grown in gardens and roadsides or any cultivated areas in cold to moderate temperate and needs a proper sunlight for its growth and a neutral soil for maintaining its ph.level from 6 to 7.5 for healthy growth.

Characterstics of Mustard

Following are the characteristics of mustard are given below:

  1. Its a herb that can be used as seasoning in food.
  2. It provides us with a rich source of oil and protein.
  3. Grows in cool to moderate temperature.
  4. Available in yellow, white, black, and brown color seeds.
  5. It is small and round in shape.
  6. Provides a B-complex vitamin.
  7. It has so many medical properties.
  8. Blooms with yellow color flowers.
  9. Black mustard is mostly used in India as an ingredient in food.
  10. It gives a very strong flavor to food.

Uses of Mustard:

It is cultivated in the form of seeds and leaves that are used in cooking delicious food at different places in various ways. Some use it as spices, some as seasoning, and some as a mustard oil for putting flavors. Even though it gives us so many health benefits like low blood pressure or heart problems, it has cancer-fighting properties or maybe other problems too and is used to make traditional medicines.

FAQs on Scientific Name of Mustard

1. What is the Scientific Name of Mustard?

The scientific name of the mustard plant is Brassica. There are several species within this genus, including Brassica juncea (brown mustard), Brassica nigra (black mustard), and Brassica hirta (white or yellow mustard), commonly used for various culinary purposes.

2. Which family does Mustard belong to?

Mustard belongs to the Brassicaceae family, also known as the crucifer or cabbage family. This family includes various cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and kale, as well as the mustard plant.

3. What is the scientific name of Indian mustard?

The scientific name of Indian mustard is Brassica juncea. It is one of the species of mustard plants known for its seeds, which are used to produce brown mustard.

4. Give some examples of the common scientific name of mustard.

Common examples of the scientific name for mustard include Brassica juncea (brown mustard), Brassica nigra (black mustard), and Brassica hirta (white or yellow mustard), each associated with different varieties and culinary uses.