Digit Separator in C++14
In this article, we will discuss the use of a digit separator in C++. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to read numbers that contain many digits. For example, 1000 is readable but what if more zeros are added to it, let’s say 1000000, now it becomes a little difficult to read, and what will happen if more zeros are added to it.  In real life, commas (, ) are added to the number. For Example: 10, 00, 000. Now it is easy to read, that is ten lakhs....
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Maximum profit by buying and selling a share at most K times | Greedy Approach
In share trading, a buyer buys shares and sells on a future date. Given the stock price of N days, the trader is allowed to make at most K transactions, where a new transaction can only start after the previous transaction is complete. The task is to find out the maximum profit that a share trader could have made....
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Correct BST whose two nodes are swapped (using Morris Traversal)
Given a Binary Search Tree with two of the nodes of the Binary Search Tree (BST) swapped. The task is to fix (or correct) the BST.Note: The BST will not have duplicates....
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unordered_map bucket() in C++ STL
The unordered_map::bucket() is a built-in STL function in C++ which returns the bucket number where the element with the key k is located in the map. Syntax:...
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priority_queue::swap() in C++ STL
Priority queues are a type of container adaptors, specifically designed such that the first element of the queue is either the greatest or the smallest of all elements in the queue. However, in C++ STL (by default) the largest element is at the top. We can also create a priority queue having the smallest element at the top by simply passing an extra parameter while creating the priority queue....
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list::front() and list::back() in C++ STL
Lists are containers used in C++ to store data in a non-contiguous fashion, Normally, Arrays and Vectors are contiguous in nature, therefore the insertion and deletion operations are costlier as compared to the insertion and deletion option in Lists....
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Sum of array using pointer arithmetic
Given an array, write a program to find the sum of array using pointers arithmetic. In this program we make use of * operator . The * (asterisk) operator denotes the value of variable. The * operator at the time of declaration denotes that this is a pointer, otherwise it denotes the value of the memory location pointed by the pointer . sum() function is used to find the sum of the array through pointers....
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std::multiplies in C++
Function object for performing multiplication. Effectively calls operator* on two instances of type T....
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Modifiers for Vector in C++ STL
Click here for Set 1 of Vectors....
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Print individual digits as words without using if or switch
Given a number, print words for individual digits. It is not allowed to use if or switch.Examples:...
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C++ Program For Finding Subarray With Given Sum – Set 1 (Nonnegative Numbers)
Given an unsorted array of non-negative integers, find a continuous subarray that adds to a given number. Examples :...
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Compute the maximum power with a given condition
Given 3 integers N, M, and K. The task is to find maximum P such that N * KP ? M....
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