Biggest Reuleaux Triangle inscribed within a square which is inscribed within an ellipse
Given an ellipse with major axis length and minor axis 2a & 2b respectively which inscribes a square which in turn inscribes a reuleaux triangle. The task is to find the maximum possible area of this reuleaux triangle.Examples:...
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C++ Program to Count rotations divisible by 8
Given a large positive number as string, count all rotations of the given number which are divisible by 8....
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Minimum adjacent swaps of digits required to make N divisible by K
Given two integers N and K, the task is to calculate the minimum number of adjacent swaps of digits required to make the integer N divisible by K....
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C++ Program to Count rotations divisible by 4
Given a large positive number as string, count all rotations of the given number which are divisible by 4....
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Check if all objects of type A and B can be placed on N shelves
Given two integers A and B, representing the count of objects of two different types, and another integer N which represents the number of shelves, the task is to place all objects in the given N shelves abiding by the following rules:...
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How to Find First Key-Value Pair in a Map in C++?
In C++ STL, a map is a container that stores key-value pairs in an ordered or sorted manner. In this article, we will learn how to find the first key-value pair in a Map....
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How to Find the Last Element in a Set in C++?
In C++, sets are a type of associative container in which each element has to be unique because the value of the element identifies it. The values are stored in a specific sorted order i.e. either ascending or descending. In this article, we will learn how to find the last element in a set in C++....
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How to Find the First Element in a Set in C++?
In C++, a set is a container that stores unique elements following a specific order. In this article, we will learn how to find the first element in a set....
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Nth positive number whose absolute difference of adjacent digits is at most 1
Given a number N, the task is to find the Nth number which has an absolute difference of 1 between every pair of its adjacent digits.Examples:...
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All reverse permutations of an array using STL in C++
Given an array, the task is to print or display all the reverse permutations of this array using STL in C++. Reverse permutation means, for an array {1, 2, 3}:...
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std is_floating_point Template in C++
The std::is_floating_point template of C++ STL is used to check whether the given type is a floating point value or not. It returns a boolean value showing the same....
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forward_list assign() function in C++ STL
The forward_list::assign() is a function in C++ STL which assigns new content to a forward list, replacing its current content and adjusting its size as required.Syntax:...
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