multiset empty() function in C++ STL
The multiset::empty() function is a built-in function in C++ STL which checks if the multiset is empty or not. It returns true if the multiset is empty, else it returns false....
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Ordered Prime Signature
Given a number n, find the ordered prime signatures and using this find the number of divisor of given n. Any positive integer, ‘n’ can be expressed in the form of its prime factors. If ‘n’ has p1, p2, … etc. as its prime factors, then n can be expressed as : Now, arrange the obtained exponents of the prime factors of ‘n’ in non-decreasing order. The arrangement thus obtained is called the ordered prime signature of the positive integer ‘n’.Example:...
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std::partial_sort_copy in C++
std::partial_sort is used for sorting the range within the entire container. So, if we want to keep the original container intact and just copy the sorted sub-part of the container into another one, then for that purpose, we can use std::partial_sort_copy....
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std::rotate vs std::rotate_copy in C++ STL
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std::is_sorted_until in C++
std::is_sorted_until is used to find out the first unsorted element in the range [first, last). It returns an iterator to the first unsorted element in the range, so all the elements in between first and the iterator returned are sorted.It can also be used to count the total no. of sorted elements in the range. It is defined inside the header file . In case, the whole range is sorted, it will return an iterator pointing to last.It can be used in two ways as shown below:...
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Essential Maths for Competitive Programming Course By GeeksforGeeks
When we talk about Competitive Programming, we can’t ignore the significance of Mathematics here. Yes, it is true that one can get started with competitive programming without any mathematical background, but it is also an unbeatable fact that having good command over several specific mathematical concepts gives you the much-needed advantage over others while solving the programming problems. There are numerous maths concepts, formulas, and theorems that help you to solve the question while doing competitive programming within the necessary time constraints....
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Convert a Binary String to another by flipping prefixes minimum number of times
Given two binary strings A and B of length N, the task is to convert the string A to B by repeatedly flipping a prefix of A, i.e. reverse the order of occurrence of bits in the chosen prefix. Print the number of flips required and the length of all prefixes....
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Find Nth term of series 1, 4, 15, 72, 420…
Given a number N. The task is to write a program to find the Nth term in the below series:...
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C++ Program to Find closest number in array
Given an array of sorted integers. We need to find the closest value to the given number. Array may contain duplicate values and negative numbers....
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Dynamic Segment Trees : Online Queries for Range Sum with Point Updates
Prerequisites: Segment TreeGiven a number N which represents the size of the array initialized to 0 and Q queries to process where there are two types of queries:...
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Frequency of an integer in the given array using Divide and Conquer
Given an unsorted array arr[] and an integer K, the task is to count the occurrences of K in the given array using the Divide and Conquer method....
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What is the difference between Set vs Hashset in C++?
In C++, both set and HashSet(also called unordered_set) are used to store elements but they have different properties and use cases. In this article, we will learn the key differences between a set and a HashSet in C++....
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