When to Use Virtual Destructors in C++?
In C++, destructors are special members of a class that frees memory occupied by an object when it goes out of scope. A virtual destructor is a special form of destructor that is declared as virtual in a base class....
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C++ Program to Find Maximum value possible by rotating digits of a given number
Given a positive integer N, the task is to find the maximum value among all the rotations of the digits of the integer N....
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C++ Program to Move all zeroes to end of array | Set-2 (Using single traversal)
Given an array of n numbers. The problem is to move all the 0’s to the end of the array while maintaining the order of the other elements. Only single traversal of the array is required.Examples:...
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std::is_nothrow_constructible in C++ with Examples
The std::is_nothrow_constructible template of C++ STL is present in the <type_traits> header file. The std::is_nothrow_constructible template of C++ STL is used to check whether the given type T is constructible type with the set of arguments or not and this is known for not to throw any exception. It return the boolean value true if T is of constructible type, otherwise return false....
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std::is_trivially_copy_constructible in C/C++
The std::is_trivially_copy_constructible template is a type that can be trivially constructed from a value or reference of the same type. This includes scalar types, trivially copy constructible classes and arrays of such types. This algorithm is about to test whether a type is trivially copied constructible or not. It returns the boolean value showing the same....
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vwprintf() function in C/C++
The vwprintf() function in C++ is used to write a formatted wide string to stdout. It prints formatted data from variable argument list to stdout. Internally, the function retrieves arguments from the list identified by arg as if va_arg was used on it, and thus the state of arg is likely altered by the call. The wide string format may contain format specifiers starting with % which are replaced by the values of variables that are passed as a list vlist. It is defined in header file <cwchar.h> Syntax :...
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iswupper() function in C/C++
The iswupper() is a built-in function in C/C++ which checks if the given wide character is a uppercase character or not. It is defined in CPP header file <cwctype.h> and This function is the wide-character equivalent of isupper ()....
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wcsspn() function in C/C++ with Examples
The wcsspn() is a built-in function in C/C++ which returns the length of maximum initial segment of the wide string that consists of characters present in another wide string. It is defined within the cwchar header file of C++....
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match_results empty() in C++ STL
The match_results::empty() is a inbuilt function in C++ which returns True if the smatch object contains no matches.Syntax:...
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C++ Omit Array Size
Prerequisite: Array in C++...
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Maximum and minimum sum of Bitwise XOR of pairs from an array
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to find the maximum and minimum sum of Bitwise XOR of all pairs from an array by splitting the array into N / 2 pairs....
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Merge two unsorted linked lists to get a sorted list
Given two unsorted Linked List, the task is to merge them to get a sorted singly linked list.Examples:...
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