Difference between SQL and PLSQL
Introduction SQL: Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard Database language that is used to create, maintain and retrieve the relational database. The advantages of SQL are:...
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Difference between 1NF and 2NF in DBMS
1. First Normal Form (1NF) : For any relation to be in the first normal form (1NF), the relation should not contain any composite or multi-valued attribute. So a relation will be in first normal form if it contains atomic values. The relation should contain only single valued attributes. Thus a relation that is in the first normal form must follow the following rules:...
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What is Procedural Language?
Procedural Language is also known as 3GL which means third generation language. It is a type of programming language that follows a procedure; set of commands or guidelines that must be followed for smooth execution of the program. It works on step by step basis. It requires the user to tell not only What to do but also How to do it. Its basic idea is to have a program specify the sequence of steps that implements a particular algorithm. Hence, Procedural languages are based on algorithms....
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Conditional Join
DBMS or Database Management Systems consist of data collected from various sources. Database administrators and analysts use this data to analyze the collected data. Database administrators execute the query through which some output is generated, the conditions are passed through the query. This query can vary from simple to complex query. Joins in a database management system is the concept where the data is been retrieved from more than two tables....
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Types of Functional dependencies in DBMS
Prerequisite: Functional dependency and attribute closure...
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Specialty Databases
A NoSQL originally referring to non SQL or nonrelational is a database that provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data. NoSQL databases are used in real-time web applications and big data and their use is increasing over time. NoSQL systems are also sometimes called Not only SQL to emphasize the fact that they may support SQL-like query languages. In this article, we will see about Specialty Databases and their applications of it in DBMS and sub-topics related to them....
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Bitmap Indexing in DBMS
Bitmap Indexing is a data indexing technique used in database management systems (DBMS) to improve the performance of read-only queries that involve large datasets. It involves creating a bitmap index, which is a data structure that represents the presence or absence of data values in a table or column....
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Sequential File Organization in Database
Sequential file organization is the simplest type of file organization, where files are stored one after the other, rather than storing different files in rows and columns (in a tabular form), storing data in rows. In this article, we will learn about sequential file organization and its advantages and disadvantages in databases. We will understand various methods of sequential file organization....
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Cascading Rollback
Cascading rollback is a term that is used in DBMS. It is a concept that is explained in DBMS when we start discussing transactions....
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Cognizant Internship Interview Experience for GenC | On-Campus 2020
Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, all the rounds were online. They were offered a 3-6 month full-time internship at Cognizant before permanent employment. They are hiring for two roles Genc and Genc Next. Selection in the Genc Next is from the same test, but you need to score 80% and above correct questions in Automata Fix....
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Create a User-Defined Data Type Alias in SQL Server
SQL Server has multiple data types e.g. integers, char, varchar, doubles, strings, etc. which are used for keeping specific values. Although built-in data types could store specific values, sometimes SQL DBA may need to store more specific values and create customized data types....
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UUID_SHORT() function in MySQL
This function in MySQL is used to return a “short” universal identifier as a 64-bit unsigned integer. The value of UUID_SHORT() is guaranteed to be unique if the following conditions hold :...
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