Difference between DML and TCL
Prerequisite – DDL, DML, TCL and DCL 1. Data Manipulation Language (DML) : DML is used to manipulate data in the database. For example, insert, update and delete instructions in SQL....
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Accolite Interview Experience | On-Campus ( Internship + FTE) 2021
Round 1 – Online MCQ round conducted on EduThrill which is their very own platform for conducting tests and hiring challenges. This round consisted of 30 MCQs to be solved in 30mins. These MCQs were covering topics such as OS, DBMS, C Outputs, Networking based on routing and subnetting, Aptitude, Java Output Questions. You have to be both fast as well as accurate to crack it. A total of 1000(approx.) students gave this test and only 200 qualified for the next round....
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Query Execution Engine in SQL
In this article, we will be discussing Query-Execution Engine in SQL and all aspects when we run any query. When we run any query to fetch the data from the database then at the same time many things happen simultaneously to get the desired results....
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Basic Query in PL/SQL procedure
In this article, we will discuss the overview of PL/SQL and then our main focus on performing basic query operations in PL/SQL. And finally will conclude with Parameter modes in PL/ SQL subprograms. Let’s discuss it one by one....
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CONCAT_WS() Function in MySQL
CONCAT_WS() : This function in MySQL helps in joining two or more strings along with a separator. The separator must be specified by the user and it can also be a string. If the separator is NULL, then the result will also be NULL....
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POSITION() function in MySQL
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DATE_FORMAT() Function in MariaDB
DATE_FORMAT() Function : In MariaDB, the DATE_FORMAT() function uses two parameters – a date as specified by a format mask. In this function, the first parameter will be a date and the second parameter will be the mask. This function will return the date in the given mask. This function will convert the date with the masking format....
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Copy tables between databases in SQL Server using Import-and-Export Wizard
Introduction to Import-and-Export Wizard : The wizard allows easy steps through a process, and to execute the data copy process with writing very little or no code. However, for importing and exporting data from one source into another, the below steps could be followed –...
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The DATE() function is used to extract the date part from a DateTime expression. This function is an inbuilt function in MySQL. The DATE() function in MySQL can be used to know the date for a given date or a DateTime. The DATE() function takes a date value as an argument and returns the date. The date argument represents the valid date or DateTime....
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Difference between From and Where Clause in SQL
1. FROM Clause: It is used to select the dataset which will be manipulated using Select, Update or Delete command.It is used in conjunction with SQL statements to manipulate dataset from source table.We can use subqueries in FROM clause to retrieve dataset from table....
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Difference between Amazon Aurora and 4D
1. Amazon Aurora : It is a fully managed relational database engine from Amazon Web Services that is compatible with PostgreSQL and MySQL. It is up to five times faster than standard MySQL databases and three times faster than standard PostgreSQL databases. The features of Aurora are distributed, fault-tolerant and self-healing storage systems....
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Difference between Transbase and Valentina Server
1. Transbase : Transbase is a resource-optimized, high-performance, universally applicable RDBMS, developed and maintained by Transaction Software GmbH, Munich. It is a relational database management system that supports all important functions of the SQL standard. The database of Transbase is extensible via additional functions and custom data types also provide parallel execution of queries via dynamic multithreading technology....
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