Indian Ocean
The Indian Ocean, the third-largest body of water on Earth, has been an essential maritime highway for centuries, facilitating trade, cultural exchanges, and interactions between diverse civilizations. Stretching from Africa to Australia, this vast expanse of water has played an important role in shaping the course of human history, serving as a bridge between nations and continents....
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Earthquakes Types
There are four main four types of earthquakes. They are Tectonic, Volcanic, Collapse, and Explosion. The horseshoe-shaped zone surrounding the Pacific Ocean has many subduction zones and is responsible for about 90% of the world’s major earthquakes countries like Japan, Indonesia, Chile, and the Philippines are located along this zone. Earthquake is a natural phenomenon. An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface caused by the movement of tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are large, rigid pieces of the Earth’s crust....
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Sahara Desert
The Sahara desert is located in Africa and spreads across the boundaries of many countries in North Africa. Two deserts bigger in size than the Sahara desert are Cold Antarctica and Arctic deserts. The Sahara desert measures 4,800 kilometers approximately from east to west and has a total area of 8,600,000 square kilometers. The Sahara is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea in the north, the Red Sea in the east, and the Sahel in the south....
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Wildlife Tourism in India
Wildlife Tourism in India: Wildlife Tourism in India is one of the major sources of revenue for the country, owing to India’s diversity, geographical location, picturesque landscapes, rich biodiversity, and our efforts to preserve it. Amongst various locations in the world, India continues to be one of the favorite destinations for wildlife enthusiasts....
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Development of Resources – Class 10 Notes
Resource Development is the sustainable management and use of natural resources to meet current and future needs. It involves conserving resources like water, forests, and minerals while also finding ways to use them efficiently. This process includes techniques such as recycling, reforestation, and sustainable agriculture. Understanding resource development is important for preserving the environment and maintaining a balanced ecosystem for all living beings....
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NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Geography Social Science Chapter 2: Physical Features of India
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 2, which covers the Physical Features of India, provides answers to the exercises found at the end of the chapter. The questions mainly focus on different geographical regions of India, including the Himalayan Mountains, the Northern Plains, the Peninsular Plateau, the Indian Desert, the Coastal Plains, and the Islands. These NCERT Solutions are simple to grasp and precise, ensuring that students’ preparation aligns with the questions commonly asked in CBSE examinations....
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Transportation in India – Roadways, Railways, Highways, Development and History
Transport in India: Transport in India refers to the system of moving people, goods, and services from one place to another within the country. India has diverse landforms and relief features, with a diverse population, which relies on various modes of transport to meet the various transportation needs of the people for supporting economic activities. Various modes of transport in India include roads, railways, airways, waterways as well as pipelines. This article gives details about transport in India....
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Land Utilization and Land Use Pattern in India
Land Utilization and Land Use Pattern in India: Land use pattern refers to the arrangement or layout of the uses of land which may be used for pasture, agriculture, construction, etc., and factors that mostly determine this are relief features, climate, the density of population, soil and socio-economic factors. The effective and efficient development of natural resources without damaging the environment or human existence is referred to as resource development. Resource development helps future generations as well as current ones....
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Formation of Solar System
The formation of solar system was very energetic and unique. The Sun and the planets produced the solar nebula, made of cloud of gas and dust, some 4.6 billion years ago. The collapse of the solar nebula was mostly due to a supernova explosion. The planets formed in a thin disk circling the Sun, which formed at its center. Moons evolved around the gas giant planets in a similar way. In the outer regions of the solar system, comets consolidated and were propelled to considerable distances by near gravitational collisions with the massive planets. A powerful solar wind removed gas and dust from the system after the Sun began. The stony remains are represented by the asteroids....
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Largest Rice-Producing States in India
West Bengal is referred to as the largest rice-producing state in India. Rice is a very important food crop in India. Rice is the staple diet for many millions of people in India. Rice contributes to around 40 percent of the country’s total food grains production. Rice is produced mostly in the regions of West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Punjab....
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Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Use of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the diversity of living things from a variety of sources, including terrestrial, marine, and desert ecosystems as well as the ecological complexes to which they belong. This is the most complex and important feature of our planet. Life cannot be sustained without biodiversity....
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Hydroponics Farming – Advantages, and Disadvantages
Hydroponics Farming is the Future of Agriculture: Hydroponics is an eco-friendly process of indoor farming where soil is not required to produce crops. The process reduces land use by 70% and can save water up to 80%. This type of farming is beneficial for those areas where the water reserves are limited and the soil is infertile. In this article, we will discuss Hydroponics farming, its advantages, and disadvantages....
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