Why Quarrying has become a major environmental concern?
A mineral is a naturally occurring substance of chemical composition. They are formed in different types of geological environments, under different conditions by natural processes. They can be identified based on their physical characteristics. The process of extracting minerals from rocks buried beneath the earth’s surface is called “Mining”. Minerals that lie near the surface are simply dug out, by the process known as “Quarrying”. There are two types of quarrying processes done by humans on earth, one is mountain quarrying and the other is river quarrying....
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Top 10 Largest Silver Producing Countries in 2024
Discover the leading players in global silver production with insights into the Top 10 silver producing countries, Largest silver producers in the world, and Major silver producing countries 2024. Explore the comprehensive list of World’s biggest silver producing countries and delve into the Global silver production ranking....
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CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 Social Science 2023-24
CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus helps students learn about subjects including History, Geography, and Civics in detail by providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the society and culture around them. Class 7 syllabus plays a crucial role in guiding students towards the knowledge of the subjects, and helping them achieve high marks in exams. By following the syllabus of Class 7, students can gain a deeper understanding of the core subject concepts and prepare for the exams effectively....
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CBSE Class 9 Geography Revision Notes
CBSE Notes for Class 9 Geography is an exciting subject that allows students to explore the physical and human aspects of the world around them. It provides a comprehensive understanding of India’s physical and human geography and covers topics like location, physical features, climate, vegetation, wildlife, and population....
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Write about the plantation farming of Tamil Nadu
India is a country in South Asia and is the seventh-largest country by area and second-largest by population. It is surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean from three of its sides. The Indian subcontinent has always been an important place for world trade. The large abundance of natural resources was an additional advantage. It became a prominent place for trade due to the above reasons and the vast coastline. There was a huge market in the European countries for Indian spices and various crops grown in the country. India has always been highly dependent on the agricultural sector. The fertile land in the country helps the production of various crops....
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Golden Quadrilateral Superhighway
The Golden Quadrilateral Superhighway refers to the national network which connects the 4 major industrial and cultural cities of India, which included Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata. As connecting 4 dots forms the shape of a quadrilateral, because of which is known as a quadrilateral. The primary objective of the project was the creation of superhighways and a reduction of distance and time on the road while traveling between the various cities. It is known as the fifth-longest highway in the world and also the largest project in India. The Project was managed by the National Highways Authority of India....
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Endangered Tribes of the World with Interesting
Endangered tribes of the world are the tribes or sections of tribes that are considered more vulnerable than other tribes. Referred to as indigenous peoples in intentional isolation, these groups choose to remain uncontacted. Although it is difficult to accurately determine the actual number of endangered tribes due to legal restrictions, estimates from the UN’s Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the nonprofit organization Survival International suggest that there are between 100 and 200 endangered tribes, with a total population of up to 10,000. Most of South America’s endangered tribes are found in northern Brazil, where the Brazilian government and National Geographic believe that there are between 77 and 84 tribes....
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What is an Ecosystem? How do Human Beings influence Ecology?
An ecosystem is defined as a community of living things, composed of non-living components that interact with each other. An ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of ecology in which living organisms interact with each other and with the environment. In other words, an ecosystem is a chain of interactions between an organism and its environment. All plants and animals in certain areas are interrelated and also interdependent on each other and their dependence on the environment is known as an ecosystem....
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Earth’s Interior : Crust, Mantle and Core
Earth states in the third place from the sun and only planet known to harbor life. The structure of Earth refers to the layers subdividing the earth, which consist of the core, mantle, and crust. We will discuss different layers of the Earth’s interior in this article which is also commonly asked as what are the physical conditions of the earth’s interior or what is the internal structure of the earth....
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Relation of Human Development with Environment and Climate Change
Ecology has been a tool for the survival of humans on Earth. Julian Steward in his School of Culture Ecology explained the relationship and role of Ecology and Human Development. An important part of Ecology in the modern world is Climate. Climate is the determinant of various aspects of human life, food, shelter, clothes, and various biological and genetic adaptations. Climate for a long has been influencing human development. The modern world today has altered various environmental paradigms including Climate which has pushed the Earth towards degradation. Human development can be understood as qualitative development of human life which includes various facets such as economic, social, psychological. It focuses upon improving the lives of the people in all dimensions rather than simply assuming that economic wellbeing determines the quality of life....
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What is an Ore and where are the Ores of Metallic Minerals generally located?
An ore is a naturally occurring rock that contains a high amount of valuable or important minerals. Ores mostly contain metals. A rock can be considered an ore only if metal can be extracted from it profitably. Ore is extracted from the earth through mining, once it is mined then it is treated and refined to remove all the unwanted impurities. Treatment or refining through smelting. Ores are priced based on quality. The quality of ore is measured in grade. If the concentration of metal in ore is more than the grade is high....
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Top 10 Largest Wildfires in History
Wildfires are a natural part of many ecosystems, but they can also be devastating. Wildfires have become more frequent, intense, and destructive due to climate change. In 2020 alone, there were 10.3 million acres burned in the United States, the highest number since records began in 1983. The fires caused an estimated $20 billion in damage and destroyed over 10,000 homes....
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