HashedIn Interview Experience for Intern+FTE (Off-Campus)
I applied directly through the website using a referral for Software Engineer....
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Print nodes in top view of Binary Tree | Set 2
Top view of a binary tree is the set of nodes visible when the tree is viewed from the top. Given a binary tree, print the top view of it. The output nodes should be printed from left to right....
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Minimize moves to reduce N to 0 using given operations
Given a number N, and some operations that can be performed, the task is to find the minimum number of moves to convert N to 0. In one move operation, one of the following can be performed:...
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Sort all special primes in their relative positions
Given an array arr[] of size N of positive integers, the task is to sort all the special primes in their relative position (without affecting the position of other elements). A special prime is a prime number which can be represented as the sum of two other prime numbers....
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Check if set of first X elements of one Array is same as set of first Y elements of other
Given two arrays arr1[] and arr2[] of size N each and an array Q[][2] consisting of M queries of the form [x,  y], the task for each query is to check if the set of values contained from first x elements of arr1[] is equal to set of values from in first y elements of arr2[]....
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HashedIn Interview Experience for SDE Intern+FTE (On-Campus Jan 2021)
Round1 (Online coding round) : This round had 3 questions...
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Minimum distance between duplicates in a String
Given a string S and its length N (provided N > 0). The task is to find the minimum distance between same repeating characters, if no repeating characters present in string S return -1....
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Count number of free cell present in the Matrix
Given a Matrix size N*N and an integer K. Initially, the matrix contains only 0. You are given K tasks and for each task, you are given two coordinates (r, c). Where coordinates (r, c) denotes the rth row and the cth column of the given matrix. You have to perform each task sequentially in the given order. For each task, You have to put 1 in all rth row cells and all the cth column cells. After each task, You have to calculate the number of 0 present in the matrix and return it....
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Check whether for all pair (X, Y) of given Array floor of X/Y is also present
Given an array arr[] of size N and an integer K, denoting the maximum value an array element can have, the task is to check if for all possible pairs of elements (X, Y) where X≥Y, ⌊X/Y⌋ (X divided by Y with rounding down) is also present in this array....
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Modify array of strings by replacing characters repeating in the same or remaining strings
Given an array of strings arr[] consisting of lowercase and uppercase characters only, the task is to modify the array by removing the characters from the strings which are repeating in the same string or any other string. Print the modified array....
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Count strings from given array having all characters appearing in a given string
Given an array of strings arr[][] of size N and a string S, the task is to find the number of strings from the array having all its characters appearing in the string S....
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Count of Distinct Substrings occurring consecutively in a given String
Given a string str, the task is to find the number of distinct substrings that are placed consecutively in the given string....
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