How to convert Map keys to an array in JavaScript ?
We are given a Map and the task is to get the keys of the map into an array using JavaScript. We can access the keys by using the Map keys() method....
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Check if a string is a valid JSON string using JavaScript
We will be given a string and we need to validate whether the given string is a valid JSON string or not. JSON string is the same as a javaScript object and it must follow the syntax of that object. If the syntax is correct then we have to return true or we have to return false....
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How to Sort Numeric Array using JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, where arrays and their manipulation form the backbone of many operations. One such operation is sorting, and JavaScript provides a built-in method, Array.sort(), to help us with that....
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How to remove text from a string in JavaScript ?
We will have a string and we need to remove the given text from that string using JavaScript. We need to print the new string in the console....
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How to remove multiple elements from array in JavaScript ?
Given an array containing array elements, the task is to remove multiple elements from the array using JavaScript. The indexes of elements are given that need to be removed from the JavaScript array....
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Sort an array of Strings in JavaScript ?
In this article, we will sort an array of strings in Javascript. we will be given an array having strings as elements we need to sort them according to the series of A-Z....
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Convert comma separated string to array using JavaScript
In JavaScript, it’s common to encounter comma-separated strings that need to be converted into arrays for further processing or manipulation. Whether you’re parsing user input, handling data from an external source, or performing string operations, knowing how to convert a comma-separated string to an array is important....
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Replace multiple strings with multiple other strings in JavaScript
In this article, we are given a Sentence having multiple strings. The task is to replace multiple strings with new strings simultaneously instead of doing it one by one, using JavaScript....
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How to modify an object’s property in an array of objects in JavaScript ?
Modifying an object’s property in an array of objects in JavaScript involves accessing the specific object within the array and updating its property. In this article we are going to see how to modify an object’s property in an array of objects in JavaScript...
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How to move an array element from one array position to another in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, we can access an array element as in other programming languages like C, C++, Java, etc. Also, there is a method called splice() in JavaScript, by which an array can be removed or replaced by another element for an index. So to move an array element from one array position to another we can splice() method or we can simply use array indexing ([])....
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How to check whether a passed string is palindrome or not in JavaScript ?
In this article, we are given a string, our task is to find string is palindrome or not. A palindrome is a series of numbers, strings, or letters that, when read from right to left and left to right, match each other exactly or produce the same series of characters. in simple words when number strings or characters are inverted and still provide the same outcome as the original numbers or characters....
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Compare the Case Insensitive strings in JavaScript
Comparing strings in a case-insensitive manner means comparing them without taking care of the uppercase and lowercase letters....
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