Create an array of given size in JavaScript
Creating an array of a specific size can be achieved through various methods, each suited to different situations. In this article, we will explore several approaches to creating arrays of a desired size, accompanied by examples for each method....
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JavaScript Program to Find Duplicate Elements in an Array
We are going to learn how can we Find Duplicate Elements in an Array. Finding duplicate elements in an array means identifying and listing any values that appear more than once within the array, helping to detect and manage redundant data or repeated elements within a collection of items....
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Copy Array Items into Another Array in JavaScript
We will see how to copy array items into another array in JavaScript. This operation is valuable when you need to generate a new array containing either identical or a subset of elements from an original array....
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How to find unique characters of a string in JavaScript ?
This article aims to find unique characters in a string using JavaScript. This means that a character occurs once in the string then we cannot include it again....
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How to search the max value of an attribute in an array object ?
In this article, we will learn how to search for the maximum value of an attribute in an array object. The maximum value of an attribute in an array of objects can be searched in two ways, one by traversing the array and the other method by using the Math.max.apply() method....
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Find the Array Index with a Value in JavaScript
Finding the index of a specific value in an array in JavaScript involves searching through the array’s elements to locate the position of the desired value. This index serves as a reference point for accessing or manipulating the value within the array....
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How to select Min/Max dates in an array using JavaScript ?
Given an array of JavaScript date. The task is to get the minimum and maximum date of the array using JavaScript....
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Create a string with multiple spaces in JavaScript
We have a string with extra spaces and if we want to display it in the browser then extra spaces will not be displayed. Adding the number of spaces to the string can be done in the following ways. In this article, we are going to learn how to Create a string with multiple spaces in JavaScript....
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Count occurrences of all items in an array in JavaScript
We will see how to count occurrences of all items in an array in JavaScript. One of the most common methods of doing this is by using the traditional for loop. In JavaScript, we have another modern approach to iterate the array which is by using the forEach method....
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Sort a string in JavaScript
Sorting a string in JavaScript involves converting it into an array of characters, sorting the array using the sort() method, and then joining the sorted characters back into a string. This arranges the characters in ascending order based on their Unicode values....
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Reverse an array in JavaScript
Reversing an array is a common task in JavaScript, useful in various scenarios such as data manipulation, algorithm development, and UI rendering. This guide covers multiple methods to reverse an array effectively....
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Remove empty elements from an array in JavaScript
Many times there are empty elements in an array. In this article, we will see the methods to remove empty elements from the array....
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