Materialize CSS Select
Materialize provides a select feature to create options that can be easily selected to provide more information for the web forms. The following are different select feature:...
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Materialize CSS Modals
Materialize CSS uses modal component for creating dialog boxes, confirmation messages or presenting important content to the viewers where underlying content becomes inactive until the modal window is closed....
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Materialize CSS Navbars
A navigation bar is a user interface element within a webpage that contains links to other sections of the website. It is displayed as a list of horizontal links at the top of each page. It is placed before the main content of the page or below the header. The navbar is contained in an HTML5 <nav> followed by a container “div”, that holds 2 main parts of the navbar. A logo or brand link, and the navigation link. The links can be aligned left or right according to the application requirement....
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Materialize CSS Grids
There are 12 standard columns fluid responsive grid systems that helps you to layout your page in an ordered and easy way. It uses the row and column style classes to define rows and columns respectively. Rows are used to specify a padding-less container to be used for responsive columns and col are used to specify a column with sub-classes....
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Materialize CSS Icons
Materialize CSS provides a rich set of material icons of google which can be downloaded from Material Design specs. Icon libraries that are supported by materialize css are Google Material Icons, Font Awesome Icons and Bootstrap Icons. Different icons can be selected from Material Icons....
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Carousel using Materialize CSS
Materialize CSS is a UI component library that is created and designed by Google. It is a design language that combines the classic principles of successful design along with innovation and technology....
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Materialize CSS Colors
It is created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and designed by Google. Material Design is a design language that combines the classic principles of successful design along with innovation and technology. Color: Here is a color palette based on the material design base colors. Each of these colors is defined with a base color class and an optional lighten or darken class....
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Materialize CSS Checkbox
Materialize provides a checkbox feature for creating styled checkboxes for the websites. The standard HTML checkboxes are plain with a simple black border in unchecked and a tick mark in checked states, but with materialize border style can be changed along with the tick mark....
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Materialize CSS Dropdown
Materialize CSS provides a dropdown facility that allows the user to choose one value from a set of given values in a list. To add a dropdown list to any button, it has to be made sure that the data-target attribute matches with the id in the <ul> tag....
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Materialize CSS Buttons
The button component along with the links inside them are probably one of the most significant features allowing the users to interact with the web pages and perform various functions and move from one web page to other. Following are the various classes of buttons defined along with their effect:...
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Materialize CSS Cards
Cards are a convenient means of displaying different types of relevant content. Materialize uses cards for presenting similar objects whose sizes and actions can be changed with the requirement. Here is an example of a basic card....
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Materialize CSS Helpers
There are several helpers in materialize CSS that are used for designing needs such as:...
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