Materialize CSS Footer
Footer is an effective way to organize a lot of site navigation and information at the end of a page. This is the place where a user will look once they have finished scrolling through the current page or are looking for additional information about the website....
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Materialize CSS Preloader
Preloaders are used for providing symbolic messages that tells users about the website status like “Loading” or “Not crashed”. Materialize provides CSS classes to give various types of preloaders. The following are the available classes provided by Materialize CSS....
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Materialize CSS Collapsible
Collapsibles are accordion elements that allow you to expand or collapse the content when tapped and are useful to provide a compact presentation of the content. It allow to hide the content that is not immediately relevant to the user. Here is the syntax of a simple collapsible:...
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Materialize CSS Pagination
Pagination is used to separate the content into discrete pages that is short and easy to understand. Materialize CSS provide classes to create a pagination bar that holds the links to the other pages....
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Materialize CSS Tooltips
Tooltips are small, textual but interactive hints that are used mainly for the graphical purpose. It helps the icons or buttons to give clarification of its function. To use this, tooltipped class is added along with its position such as: top, bottom, left or right. Syntax is as follow:...
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Materialize CSS Typography
Materialize CSS provides several elements that can be used for the typography of the page:...
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Materialize CSS Introduction and Installation
Materialize CSS is a design language that combines the classic principles of successful design along with innovation and technology....
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Materialize CSS Pulse and Shadow
Pulse: Used for get attention towards buttons with this subtle but captivating effect. Just required to add pulse class to buttons....
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Materialize CSS Collections
Collections allow you to group list-objects together. It represents various types of collection i.e., a group of related information ....
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Materialize CSS Switches
Materialize provides switches to allow the viewer to select an option between the two available. Generally, switches are special checkboxes used for binary states such as on/off or yes/no or agree/disagree....
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Materialize CSS Badges
Materialize badge is a component that is used to notify, if there are new or unread messages or notifications display. Adding a new class to a badge component gives it a background....
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Materialize CSS Breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs in materialize CSS is used when you have multiple layers of content to display your current location. Materialize CSS provides various CSS classes to create a nice breadcrumb in an easy way. It uses two classes i.e. nav-wrapper and breadcrumb....
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