Mongoose findByIdAndRemove() Function
MongoDB is the most used cross-platform, document-oriented database that provides, high availability, high performance, and easy scalability. MongoDB works on the concept of collecting and documenting the data. findByIdAndRemove() stands proud as a convenient way to discover a file by its specific identifier and eliminate it from the database....
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Nodejs – Connect MongoDB with Node app using MongooseJS
Connect the MongoDB database using MongooseJS to our NodeJS application Before we dive into looking how the mongoDB connects with a nodejs app using mongooseJS, lets get a brief intro to these technologies which are ruling the web development domain of today....
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Mongoose Timestamps
Mongoose is a MongoDB object modelling and handling for node.js environment....
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How to Install and Configure MongoDB in Ubuntu?
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database offering flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. Installing and configuring MongoDB in Ubuntu is a straightforward process, but it requires careful attention to detail to ensure a smooth setup....
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Mongoose | where() Function
The where() function is used to create a Query, applies the passed conditions and returns the Query....
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Mongoose | remove() Function
The remove() function is used to remove the documents from the database according to the condition....
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MongoDB | Delete Database using MongoShell
Prerequisite : MongoDB Introduction...
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How to connect mongodb Server with Node.js ?
mongodb.connect() method is the method of the MongoDB module of the Node.js which is used to connect the database with our Node.js Application. This is an asynchronous method of the MongoDB module....
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Mongoose | findOneAndRemove() Function
The findOneAndRemove() function is used to find the element according to the condition and then remove the first matched element....
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Default Value in MongoDB using Node.js
Mongoose.module is one of the most powerful external module of the NodeJS. Mongoose is a MongoDB ODM i.e. (Object database Modeling) that is used to translate the code and its representation from MongoDB to the NodeJS server. Mongoose module provides several functions in order to manipulate the documents of the collection of the MongoDB database.(Refer this Link)....
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Build a Simple Beginner App with Node.js Bootstrap and MongoDB
Node.js is one of the famous open-source environments that allows to you run javascript scripts outside the browser. MERN and MEAN stacks are the two most popular combination that helps you to create an amazing application. In this article, we will be creating a simple beginner-friendly Contact Form App with Node, Bootstrap, and MongoDB. Before starting the project we have to make sure that Node.js and MongoDB are installed in your system....
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Difference between PERN and MERN stack
What is a stack, if you are familiar with full-stack development you might have come across the terms MEAN, MERN, MEVN, etc. These are web stacks consisting of a collection of software and frameworks used for building a web application from the front-end and back-end. You can learn any of these stacks to become a Full-stack developer....
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