Mongoose Queries
Mongoose is a MongoDB object modelling and handling for node.js environment....
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Mongoose Module Introduction
MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL database, is an open-source document-oriented database. The term ‘NoSQL’ means ‘non-relational’. MongoDB provides us flexible database schema that has its own advantages and disadvantages. Every record in MongoDB collections does not depend upon the other records present in a particular collection on the basis of structure. We can add any new key in any record according to the need. There is no proper structure for the MongoDB collections and constraints on the collections. Let’s have a look at an example....
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How to get information of all collections present in MongoDB database using Node.js ?
MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL database, we can count the number of documents in MongoDB Collection using the MongoDB collection.countDocuments() function. The mongodb module is used for connecting the MongoDB database as well as used for manipulating the collections and databases in MongoDB....
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MongoDB | ObjectID() Function
ObjectID() Function: MongoDB uses ObjectID to create unique identifiers for all the documents in the database. It is different than the traditional autoincrementing integer ID, but it comes with its own set of advantages....
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MERN Stack Development Roadmap for 2024
Curious about building modern web apps? Ever heard of the MERN stack? In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to master it. Don’t worry if you’re new—I’ll make it simple. By the end, you’ll understand MERN, its tools, and where to learn more. Plus, I’ll share cool project ideas for your portfolio. Ready to fall in? Let’s get started!...
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Introduction about Node.js and MongoDB
NoSQL databases are databases that store and retrieve the data that is present in a non-tabular format. Depending on the format of the data stored, NoSQL databases are split into 4 major types:...
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Difference between MEAN Stack and LAMP Stack Developer
1. MEAN Stack Developer: MEAN refers to...
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Todo List Application using MERN
Todo list web application using MERN stack is a project that basically implements basic CRUD operation using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS, React JS). The users can read, add, update, and delete their to-do list in the table using the web interface. The application gives a feature to the user to add a deadline to their task so that it user can be reminded of the last day to complete the project...
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Mongoose | findOneAndReplace() Function
The findOneAndReplace() function is used to find a matching element, replaces it with the provided element, and passes the returned doc to the callback....
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Mongoose Schemas Indexes
Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling and handling for a node.js environment. When a document is produced, Mongoose automatically uses the _id property to index all of the models. We can use Mongoose to define the path-level indexes in our schema. For each defined index in the schema, Mongoose automatically runs createIndex when the application first launches....
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Mongoose | replaceOne() Function
The replaceOne() function is same as update() function except MongoDB replace the existing document with the given document (no atomic operators like $set)....
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Mongoose Tutorial
Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB. MongoDB is a NoSQL database and Mongoose is used to interact with MongoDB by providing a schema-based solution. The Mongoose acts as the abstraction layer over the MongoDB database. It is generally preferred over using normal MongoDB because it simplifies the process of sending complex queries....
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