How to handle Route Parameters in Express ?
Express makes it easy to create strong and scalable web applications. One cool thing it can do is handle route parameters, which lets developers build dynamic routes that respond to specific values. In this article, we’ll see different ways to work with route parameters in Express....
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How to run Node/Express on a specific port?
Port in Node is the numerical endpoint that is assigned to the process to allow communication over the network. Each application is identified uniquely by using this port number. There are port numbers that range from 0 to 65535, some of the ports are already assigned to the common services. In this article, we are going to learn how we can run a node on a specific port rather than using the default port. We will run a node on a specific port by using the two approaches....
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Express JS sendfile() vs render()
sendFile() function in Express.js is mainly used to send the file at the given path whereas the render() function is used to render a view and send the HTML string to the client as a response. In this article, we will see the detailed difference between this function with their syntax and practical implementation....
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Explain different types of Postman Assertions
Postman is a popular API development and testing tool that allows developers to design, test, and document APIs. One crucial aspect of API testing in Postman is the use of assertions, which are validations performed on the responses received from API requests. Assertions help ensure that the API behaves as expected and that the data exchanged is accurate. In this article, we will delve into different types of assertions in Postman, discussing their significance and how to implement them....
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How to save Request & Response result as a File in Postman?
In this article, we will see how to save request & response results as a file in Postman. It is a collaborative API development platform used to design, develop, test, document, and manage APIs efficiently. Saving requests and responses as files documents API interactions, making it helpful for future reference and sharing with the team. This article provides a step-by-step guideline on how to save request & response results as a file in Postman....
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How to create routes using Express and Postman?
In this article we are going to implement different HTTP routes using Express JS and Postman. Server side routes are different endpoints of a application that are used to exchange data from client side to server side....
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How to create and use global variables in Postman?
Postman is an API(application programming interface) development tool that helps to build, test and modify APIs. It can make various types of HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), save environments for later use, and convert the API to code for various languages(like JavaScript, and Python). In this article, we will learn How do you create and use global variables in Postman....
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How to use postman for testing express application
Testing an Express app is very important to ensure its capability and reliability in different use cases. There are many options available like Thunder client, PAW, etc but we will use Postman here for the testing of the Express application. It provides a great user interface and numerous tools which makes API testing very easy....
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How to create and send GET requests in Postman?
Postman is an API(application programming interface) development tool which helps to build, test and modify APIs. It has the ability to make various types of HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), saving environments for later use, converting the API to code for various languages(like JavaScript, Python). In this article, we will learn How do you create and send GET requests in Postman?...
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How to set authorization headers in Postman?
Web application security is vital, and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) play a key role in authentication and route protection. In this article we will learn how to create a secure backend with Node and Express using JWT, and then we will demonstrate how to set authorization headers in Postman for effective API testing....
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How to test POST Method of Express with Postman?
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How to test query strings in Postman requests ?
To test query strings in Postman requests, we only need to simply enter the key and value of each parameter and Postman will append them to the URL automatically. To the end of the request URL, the parameters are appended using ‘?’ and key-value pairs are separated by ‘&’....
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