How to resolve Postman unable to send request body to express application error ?
Encountering difficulties when attempting to send a request body from Postman to your Express application can be a frustrating experience. This issue may manifest in various ways, such as empty request bodies or unexpected behavior on the server side. In this troubleshooting guide, we will explore different approaches to resolve this problem and ensure seamless communication between Postman and your Express application....
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Use of Folders and Sub-folders in Postman Collections
In API testing and development, it’s crucial to keep things organized for smooth workflows. Postman Collections, a handy feature in the Postman tool, help you stay organized by grouping API requests. They go a step further by allowing you to use folders and subfolders for even better organization. In this article, we’ll dive into how folders and subfolders in Postman Collections can help you keep your requests neat, making your development work more efficient....
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How to Set, View and Manipulate Cookies using ‘Response.cookie()’ and Postman ?
Cookies enable websites to store small pieces of information on a user’s device. It helps enhance user experience and enable various functionalities. In this article, we’ll explore a simple way to manipulate cookies using the ‘Response.cookie()’ function...
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How to organize requests within a Postman Collection?
Postman is very useful for testing the APIs. It has a feature to organize requests within a collection. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, understanding how to structure your requests can drastically enhance your work of testing the endpoints. In this guide, we will explore step-by-step techniques to organize requests effectively using Postman Collections....
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How to Convert a Postman Request to cURL?
If you’re a web developer, quality assurance engineer, or system administrator, chances are you’re familiar with Postman, a crucial tool for API testing. However, there are instances where you may need to convert a Postman request to cURL, a command-line tool for data transfer. This article provides a simple step-by-step guide on how to perform this conversion....
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How to Replicate Postman POST API Request using AJAX ?
In this project we’ll mimic the action of submitting data using POST to a server from a web page. We replicate this process using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) directly in a web page, we’re embedding similar functionality within our own interface. This involves setting up HTML elements like input fields and buttons to gather user input, using JavaScript to construct and send the request to the server, and handling the response accordingly....
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How to read Array of Nested JSON Response in Postman ?
We know that the postman is the one who delivers the letters sent by your friends, colleagues, or relatives and acts as a bridge of communication. Here Postman refers to the development of API that acts as a bridge or communication between different programs....
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How to Write Postman Test to Compare the Response JSON against another JSON?
In the era of API-driven development, testing the API responses to ensure their correctness is of paramount importance. One such test includes comparing the JSON response of an API against a predefined JSON. In this article, we will delve into how to write a Postman test for this purpose....
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How to Test WebSocket APIs With Postman?
WebSocket is a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single, long-lived connection between clients and servers. Unlike HTTP, which is a request-response protocol, WebSocket allows both the client and server to send messages to each other independently at any time, enabling real-time data transfer....
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Use of data files (CSV, JSON) in Postman for data-driven testing
It is a software testing method having all test input data stored or documented in a single CSV/JSON file and using a single test script for testing the API request with various input scenarios. It separates the test script logic from the test data. In Postman, we can perform this using variables and data files (CSV or JSON)....
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How to link data files to requests in Postman for iterative testing?
Postman may be beneficial when trying out APIs that require file uploads or while sending complicated JSON payloads. In this article, you will explore the way to upload documents in Postman and alternative approaches to make it well. Let’s dive in....
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How to use Postman Monitors to schedule and run collections?
Postman is a popular API development tool that offers a powerful ” Monitors ” feature that allows you to automate the execution of collections at scheduled intervals. This article will explore the step-by-step instructions for using Postman Monitors....
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