Automated Login For Captive Portals in Linux
Every time you connect to a private network, may it be your college, office, school, etc. the captive portal screen appears where you have to enter your credentials provided by the organization. The idea is to automate that process so that whenever we are connected to any router in the same network, it automatically gets logged in....
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How to Generate JWT Tokens using FastAPI in Python
In this article, we will see how to create and validate a JWT in the FastAPI framework. This is a very basic example of how to create and validate the tokens, this is just for reference, and using this approach one can easily create JWT according to the need and use it accordingly while validation. A simple example of this can be the implementation of the SSO feature in web applications. we will create signed JSON web tokens in FastAPI. This article will be covered in following subtopics:...
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Password Protect a Static Website
Static websites are on rising again, In the early days of Internet HTML, CSS with some JavaScript is all the website, since then a number of Backend Frameworks like Django, Larvel, Ruby on Rails have been developed along with looks like WordPress which now powers one-third of websites have been also gained popularity. Website Builders are also exploded so that anyone can have webpages whether they have technical skills or not....
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BlueBorne Attack
Is the bluetooth on your device on? You better turn that off! Yes, you read that right! Everything from our smart phones to our tv and to our computers are bluetooth-enabled and worst part being that bluetooth is active almost all the time in these devices because we rarely pay attention to it. Armis Labs unveiled an attack vector which can infect smartphones, laptops, tablets, TVs, watches, medical appliances and many more IoT devices. It is called ‘BlueBorne’, coined from the terms- bluetooth and airborne(spread through air). The company has also identified 8 zero-day vulnerabilities which this attack vector can exploit thus proving its massive potential impact....
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How to Pause and Play a Loop in JavaScript using Event Listeners ?
Given below is a JavaScript program for DOM manipulation which is basically about How to Pause and Play a loop in JavaScript using event listeners (not to be confused with delay). In this article, we are using JavaScript with HTML so we need a web browser i.e., Chrome (recommended) or Electron Application. Pausing and playing a loop is such a difficult task in almost every programming languages and there is no simple solution to pause a loop in between its execution and playing it again at the click of a button just like we do in video clips, but JavaScript Promise concept makes it easy to pause and play loop with event listeners of DOM elements. Here pausing and playing a loop doesn’t mean delaying a loop. If you are looking for delaying a loop in JavaScript then we have already created a separate article for it, Visit:
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Auto comment on a facebook post using JavaScript
In this article, we are going to learn how to comment automatically on a Facebook post. You can use this method to wish your friends a happy birthday or just comment on anything. It is useful when you want to comment a number of times on a post. You just need to specify the count and message that will be automatically commented on a time interval. Also, you don’t need to install anything for this method to work....
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Oracle Interview Experience (Internship)
Academic Year: Third Year Undergraduate...
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Introduction to WebRTC
WebRTC stands for Web Real-Time Communication. It is an open source and free project that used to provide real-time communication to mobile applications and web browsers with the help of API’s(Application Programming Interface). This project emerged as a new standard which extends the web-browsing model by enabling the browser in a peer-to-peer manner. JavaScript API’s, HTML5 tags, underlying communication protocols etc. were defined by the W3C(World Wide Web Consortium) and IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) jointly in order to make a trustworthy communication channel between the future web browsers. Basically, the main idea was to define the WebRTC API which allows the secure access to the input peripherals such as microphones and webcams on a device to share or exchange the media-data, real-time data with a remote device in a peer-to-peer manner....
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What is .editorconfig ?
EditorConfig is a simple configuration file that contains a list of rules which can be applied to any IDE’s or code editors for proper formatting of code. But why use EditorConfig? Consider a scenario where your team is working on a project but the individual members of the team use a different IDE or code editor, these differences might result in inconsistent formatting applied to the code as each IDE/editor has its own configurations. EditorConfig solves this problem by having a single config file that is readable by all IDE’s and code editors with the help of some plugins/extensions. This tool is used extensively in many big projects including Angular, Bootstrap, Django, Nodejs, React, Vuejs, and a lot more....
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Best practices for Professional Developer – Django Framework
Django is an open-source, Python-based framework for building web applications. To make our Django code more readable and efficient we should follow a certain set of rules/practices. These should not be seen as the right way or the only way to work with Django, but instead best practices to work with Django framework...
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How to auto like all the comments on a facebook post using JavaScript ?
In this article, we are going to learn how to like all the comments on a Facebook post automatically. Many times we want to like all the comments of friends on our post or on any other’s post, so this script helps us to save time and effort by automatically liking all the comments on the post....
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How to Install Tor Browser on Kali Linux? [2024]
The Tor browser provides a simple yet powerful way to access the internet anonymously and bypass censorship. Setting it up on Kali Linux requires just a few easy terminal commands to add the Tor Project repository and install the Tor packages. Once installed, the browser can be launched through the dedicated torbrowser script....
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