How to set up a PHP Console ?
PHP is a backend server-side language of web development. In general, we don’t need to take input from the console but sometimes we need to run a small function or block of code, for which we need to take input from the console....
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CodeLobster IDE – free cross-platform PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor
CodeLobster IDE – free cross-platform PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor...
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Cross-device Testing of Web Applications with Blisk
This article will educate you all about Blisk. Blisk is a Chromium-based web browser that improves productivity and code quality by providing a wide array of tools for web development and testing. The main feature of this application is that it offers virtual mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktops for web development and testing purposes....
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p5.js requestpointerlock() Function
The function requestPointerLock() is used to  locks the pointer to its current position and  then makes it invisible. All browser does not support this method. It requests that the pointer be locked to a DOM element target....
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JavaScript | A medicine to every problem
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p5.js exp() Method
The exp() function returns the value of n (any number) to the Euler’s number e(2.71828…) raised to the power n (e^n)....
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p5.js exitPointerLock() Function
The function exitPointerLock() quit the previously used Pointer Lock for example if the pointer is locked then it unlock it and vice-versa. It is used to exit the pointer lock  which is called by requestPointer() function....
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StringStream in C++ for Decimal to Hexadecimal and back
Stringstream is stream class present in C++ which is used for doing operations on a string. It can be used for formatting/parsing/converting a string to number/char etc. Hex is an I/O manipulator that takes reference to an I/O stream as parameter and returns reference to the stream after manipulation. Here is a quick way to convert any decimal to hexadecimal using stringstream:...
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How to Hide Apps on an Android Phone?
Have you ever wanted a little extra privacy on your phone, or just wanted to make your home screen less crowded? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got some nifty tricks up our sleeves to show you how to hide apps on your Android phone. It’s like creating a secret hideout for your apps where only you hold the key....
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How to Change File Extension in Mac?
File Extensions or Filename Extensions are algorithm-specific elements that can be opened only with the specific application based on the algorithm mentioned there. There are a large number of file extensions present and can be different based on the Operating System. Like, the compressed file format is different in Windows & Mac....
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How to Read your Android Battery Graph?
Battery Consumption on Android is the most vulnerable element that as an Android User, you have to look after. To understand the Battery Usage of Android, the Android Battery Graph will be the best tool ever....
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How To Change The Ringtone On Your Android Phone?
The default ringtone on an Android device may not be suitable for you, as it may be too soft, loud, or annoying. Android offers customization features such as changing the ringtone, adding custom ringtones, and setting unique ringtones for specific contacts....
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