AngularJS ng-blur Directive
The ng-blur Directive in AngularJS is fired when an HTML element loses their focus. It doesn’t override with element’s original onblur event i.e. both the ng-blur expression and original onblur event will execute....
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AngularJS ng-submit Directive
The ng-submit Directive in AngularJS is used to specify the functions to be run on submit events. It can be used to prevent the form from submission if it does not contain an action. It is supported by <form> element....
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AngularJS $location Service
The $location in AngularJS basically uses a window.location service. The $location is used to read or change the URL in the browser and it is used to reflect that URL on our page. Any change made in the URL is stored in the $location service in AngularJS. There are various methods in the $location service such as absUrl(), url([URL]), protocol(), host(), port(), path([path]), search(search, [paramValue]), hash([hash]), replace(), and state([state]). Also, there are two events available i.e. $locationChangeStart and $locationChangeSuccess. Now let us see some methods one by one of $location service....
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Angular forms FormGroupDirective
In this article, we are going to see what is FormGroupDirective in Angular 10 and how to use it....
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AngularJS ng-controller Directive
The ng-controller Directive in AngularJS is used to add a controller to the application. It can be used to add methods, functions, and variables that can be called on some event like click, etc to perform certain actions....
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AngularJS ng-style Directive
The ng-style Directive in AngularJS is used to apply custom CSS styles on an HTML element. The expression inside the ng-style directive must be an object. It is supported by all the HTML elements....
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AngularJS ng-src Directive
The ng-src Directive in AngularJS is used to specify the src attribute of an <img> element, ie., it overrides the original src attribute for an <img> element. This attribute must be used if we have the Angular code inside of the src element. It ensures that the wrong image is not produced until AngularJS has been evaluated. It is supported by <img> element....
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AngularJS ng-value Directive
The ng-value Directive in AngularJS is used to specify the value of an input element. This directive can be used to achieve the one-way binding for the given expression to an input element, especially when the ng-model directive is not used for that specific element. It is supported by <input> and <select> elements....
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AngularJS ng-switch Directive
The ng-switch Directive in AngularJS is used to specify the condition to show/hide the child elements in HTML DOM. The HTML element will be displayed only if the expression inside the ng-switch directive returns true otherwise it will be hidden. It is supported by all HTML elements....
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Angular 17 Structural Directives
Structural directives in Angular 17 are a special type of directives that allow you to dynamically manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) by adding, removing, or replacing elements based on certain conditions. These directives are prefixed with an asterisk (*) in the template syntax....
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How to fetch the details using ng-repeat in AngularJS ?
In this article, we will see how to fetch the details with the help of the ng-repeat directive in Angular, along with understanding its implementation through the illustrations. AngularJS contains various types of pre-defined Directives, where most of the directives start with ng which denotes Angular. The ng-repeat directive is used to iterate over an object for its properties. A template is instantiated once an item is from a collection. Every template has its own scope where the loop variable is set to the current collection item and the $index is set to a key or the index of the item....
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Angular forms NgModelGroup Directive
In this article, we are going to see what is NgModelGroup in Angular 10 and how to use it. The NgModelGroup is used to create a top-level form group Instance, and it binds the form to the given form value....
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