Google Geo-coding Web Service (JSON response)
Prerequisite : JSON Formatting in Python Google has an excellent web service that allows us to make use of their large database of geographic information...
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Deploying Scrapy spider on ScrapingHub
What is ScrapingHub ?...
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Setup API for GeeksforGeeks user data using WebScraping and Flask
Prerequisite: WebScraping in Python, Introduction to Flask...
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Python program to find GSoC organisations that use a Particular Programming Language
Currently, it’s not possible to sort GSoC participating organizations by the programming languages they use in their code. This results in students spending a lot of time going through each organization’s page and manually sorting through them....
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How to extract images from PDF in Python?
The task in this article is to extract images from PDFs and convert them to Image to PDF and PDF to Image in Python....
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File Searching using Python
There may be many instances when you want to search a system.Suppose while writing an mp3 player you may want to have all the ‘.mp3’ files present. Well here’s how to do it in a simple way. This code searches all the folders in the file it’s being run. If you want some other kinds of files just change the extension....
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Python | Arrange the files in directories according to extensions
In this article, we will learn how to arrange the files in different directories according to their extensions. When you have a lot of files with different extension than you can simply use the script for your help....
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Python | Issue Warning Message
Problem – To have a program that can issue warning messages (e.g., about deprecated features or usage problems)....
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Python program for addition and subtraction of complex numbers
Given two complex numbers z1 and z2. The task is to add and subtract the given complex numbers.Addition of complex number: In Python, complex numbers can be added using + operator.Examples:...
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Read latest news using newsapi | Python
In this article, we will learn how to create a Python script to read the latest news. We will fetch news from news API and after that, we will read news using pyttsx3....
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Add a User in Linux using Python Script
Creating a user via command line in Linux is a tedious task. Every time someone joins your organization and you need to type a long Linux command rather than doing this you can create a python script that can ask for you the username and password and create that user for you. Examples:...
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Python | shutil.copy2() method
Shutil module in Python provides many functions of high-level operations on files and collections of files. It comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module helps in automating process of copying and removal of files and directories.shutil.copy2() method in Python is used to copy the content of source file to destination file or directory. This method is identical to shutil.copy() method but it also try to preserves the file’s metadata.Source must represent a file but destination can be a file or a directory. If the destination is a directory then the file will be copied into destination using the base filename from source. Also, destination must be writable. If destination is a file and already exists then it will be replaced with the source file otherwise a new file will be created....
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