Create a Credential file using Python
A credential file is nothing but just a configuration file with a tad bit of encryption and an unseen security structure in the backend. There might be a situation where you might come across these kinds of files while using some kind of cloud platforms. All you do to login to the instance or give the script the permissions to do something without your username and password seems a bit magical but what if you want to do the same? let’s say you have created a script that requires few configurations or credentials for logging in. It is quite irritating for the user to enter the credentials or configurations every time they want to run the code. So what’s the solution? Well, there are many ways to do it but since this is about creating credential files the will use the same method. let your users create a Credentials file or Configurations file that can later be used by the script to get the details it requires. And here’s how to do it....
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Video to Audio convert using Python
Prerequisites: Python Programming Language There are several libraries and techniques available in Python for the conversion of Video to Audio. One such library is Movie Editor. MoviePy can read and write all the most common audio and video formats, including GIF, and runs on Windows/Mac/Linux, with Python 2.7+ and 3 (or only Python 3.4+ from v.1.0)...
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Extract hyperlinks from PDF in Python
Prerequisite: PyPDF2, Regex...
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Application to get address details from zip code Using Python
Prerequisite: Tkinter...
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Newspaper scraping using Python and News API
There are mainly two ways to extract data from a website:...
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Schedule a Python Script to Run Daily
In this article, we are going to see how to schedule a Python Script to run daily. Scheduling a Python Script to run daily basically means that your Python Script should be executed automatically daily at a time you specify....
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How to make a Python auto clicker?
In this article, we will see how to create an auto-clicker using Python. The code will take input from the keyboard when the user clicks on the start key and terminates auto clicker when the user clicks on exit key, the auto clicker starts clicking wherever the pointer is placed on the screen. We are going to use the pynput module here....
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Generate QR Code using qrcode in Python
A Quick Response Code or a QR Code is a two-dimensional bar code used for its fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity. It consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background....
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How to uncompress a “.tar.gz” file using Python ?
.tar.gz files are made by the combination of TAR packaging followed by a GNU zip (gzip) compression. These files are commonly used in Unix/Linux based system as packages or installers. In order to read or extract these files, we have to first decompress these files and after that expand them with the TAR utilities as these files contain both .tar and .gz files....
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Encrypt and Decrypt Image using Python
In this article, we will encrypt/decrypt an image using simple mathematical logic. It requires two things, data, and key, and when XOR operation is applied on both the operands i.e data and key, the data gets encrypted but when the same process is done again with the same key-value data gets decrypted....
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Python – Downloading captions from YouTube
Python provides a large set of APIs for the developer to choose from. Each and every service provided by Google has an associated API. Being one of them, YouTube Transcript API is very simple to use provides various features....
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GUI to get views, likes, and title of a YouTube video using YouTube API in Python
Prerequisite: YouTube API, Tkinter...
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