TCS Digital Interview Experience

Assistant System Engineer Trainee (commonly known as NINJA)

System Engineer (commonly known as DIGITAL)

Associate Engineer (Commonly known as INNOVATOR)
Note: It is for TIER 1 colleges only for freshers.


I was a 2021 passed-out graduate from TIER-3 college in Hyderabad, I appeared for the TCS NQT examination during my 3rd year. The examination contains APTITUDE (mcq), VOCABULARY (mcq), PROGRAMMING (mcq), and CODING (simple). I got a decent score and got shortlisted for an interview (online) TCS NINJA role. Here are some basic interview questions I was asked to crack the interview.

TECHNICAL AND HR interviews were held at the same slot with an interview panel of 3 members.

Introduce yourself: Prepare yourself ready with the presence of mind. Maintain good English communication and speak in an organized manner while introducing yourself. Try to speak about the projects which you worked on and were confident about during your college days. Don’t disclose your negatives while speaking. try to complete your introduction within 2 mins.

  • Tell about your achievements and projects you worked on.
  • Which programming language you like and why?
  • Difference between C and C++
  • What is a data structure?
  • Explain Object Oriented Programming concepts.
  • What is the difference between function overloading and overriding?
  • What are the different types of inheritance?
  • Explain the logic to print the Fibonacci series using recursion.
  • Ask us if you have any questions.

Try to do a small research about the organization and its recent market and make 2 to 3 questions ready for safety. This interview went for 20 to 30 mins as I explained everything in detail to showcase my knowledge on the topics they asked. After two weeks at 3 AM, I received a mail that I have cleared the interview with the attached NINJA offer letter.

With the help of seniors and known people, I came to know that there is a chance to upgrade our offer from NINJA to DIGITAL by clearing the DCA examination. After 2 months of receiving the offer letter I got to know that the applications for DCA are open. Somehow I applied.

DCA EXAM PATTERN when I appeared: (2 coding questions in 1 hour)

Question 1:

Given an array A of n elements, sort the array according to the following relations :  

  • = A[i-1] ” width=”186″ height=”27″>, if i is even,  ∀ 1 <= i < n
  • , if i is odd ,  ∀ 1 <= i < n

Examples :  

Input : A[] = {1, 2, 2, 1}
Output : 1 2 1 2
Explanation :
For 1st element, 1 1, i = 2 is even.
3rd element, 1 1, i = 4 is even.
Input : A[] = {1, 3, 2}
Output : 1 3 2
Explanation :
Here, the array is also sorted as per the conditions.
1 1 and 2 < 3.

Note: Examples are based upon 1-based indexing

Given an array, print the Next Greater Element (NGE) for every element. 

The Next greater Element for an element x is the first greater element on the right side of x in the array. Elements for which no greater element exist, consider the next greater element as -1. 


Input: arr[] = [ 4 , 5 , 2 , 25 ]
Output:  4      –>   5
               5      –>   25
               2      –>   25
              25     –>   -1
Explanation: except 25 every element has an element greater than them present on the right side

Input: arr[] = [ 13 , 7, 6 , 12 ]
Output:  13      –>    -1
                7       –>     12
                6       –>     12
               12      –>     -1
Explanation: 13 and 12 don’t have any element greater than them present on the right side


These are the two questions (similar) I received for DCA and I have coded 1 question in C++ and the other in Java. Good command of basic data structures such as ARRAYS, STACKS, QUEUES, and LINKEDLISTS can help you clear the exam

I cleared the exam and got shortlisted for another technical interview. Some of the interview questions I experienced were as below.


1. First the interviewer asked me to show an ID card to validate my candidature.

2. Next he asked me to Introduce myself…I’ve explained it

3. As I mentioned Machine Learning in my technical skills while introducing he asked me to explain the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

4. What is the Difference between Machine Learning and Deep learning?

5. Give some Algorithms of Machine learning.

6. What is overfitting?

7. Give some solutions to overcome overfitting.

8. What is meant by Correlation and Regression? Differences between them

9. The interviewer gave me a code snippet which is of increment operators in C and asked me to type the output of it then asked me to explain the approach.

10. Coming to Python he asked me to explain the difference between a list and a tuple

11. Can we declare a tuple without parenthesis?

12. What is a Generator in Python?

13. What is Closure in Python?

14. What are the current trends in IT?

15. What is cloud computing, explain in brief.

16. Do you know OOPS concepts …TELL THE NAMES?

17. What is polymorphism?

18. What is method overloading and overriding?

19. Does multiple inheritance possible in Java?

20. Explain the Naive Bayesian algorithm.

21. What’s meant by training a model in machine learning?

22. He gave me a series of numbers as an example and asked me to write logic to print the series (Similar to the Fibonacci series).

22. Do you have any questions? ( I asked about some trending topics about TCS and we discussed them for about 5 mins)

The interview went on for more than one hour and I was very confident that I can clear the interview

After 20 days my offer was upgraded to DIGITAL and received a revised offer letter before joining TCS.


1. Try to be smart and confident while speaking.

2. Explore DataStructures in w3wiki and try to solve a variety of questions in ARRAYS, SERIES, STACKS, QUEUES

3. Prepare at least one project which you were confident about and try to analyze it, it may help to showcase your confidence during the interview.