TCS Exam Experience

Last week, I took an exam for TCS, one of my dream companies to work for. When I received my admission card, I realized that I needed to start preparing right away. Although it felt a bit late to begin my preparation, I was determined to make the most of the time I had. I gathered some previous exam questions and tried to cover as much ground as possible before the test day.

The days leading up to the exam were filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety. I knew that getting into TCS could open up amazing career opportunities, so I was motivated to do my best. Even though I wished I had started preparing earlier, I focused on understanding the types of questions typically asked and honing my skills in those areas.On the day of the exam, I was a bit nervous. I arrived early, hoping to find a calm spot where I could relax and gather my thoughts. As I waited for the test to begin, I couldn’t help but wonder how challenging the exam would be and whether I’d be able to handle the pressure.

Numerical Ability: To my surprise, this section wasn’t as difficult as I had anticipated. The questions were straightforward, focusing on basic math skills. I managed to solve most of them without much trouble.

Reasoning Ability: This section required a bit more focus, but it was manageable. I had practiced similar questions during my preparation, so I felt relatively confident.

Verbal Ability: This section was about comprehension and language skills. It required careful reading and understanding of the given text, but it didn’t pose any major difficulties.

Advanced Quantitative Reasoning: This section was a different story. The questions were complex, requiring deep analysis and advanced problem-solving skills. It took me longer to answer these questions, and I wasn’t sure if my answers were correct.

Coding Test: The coding test consisted of two questions. The first question was straightforward: to print the sum of the first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers. I completed it without any issues. The second question, however, was much harder. It required more complex logic, and I struggled to find the right approach. Despite my best efforts, I wasn’t sure if I solved it correctly.

As I left the exam, I felt a mix of relief and uncertainty. I was glad to have completed the test, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I could have done better. Regardless of the outcome, I knew that this experience would be valuable in my journey toward my dream job at TCS. The preparation, the nerves, and the challenge of the test all contributed to my growth as an aspiring tech professional.

No matter what happens next, I’m proud of myself for taking on the challenge and giving it my best shot. This exam taught me the importance of preparation and resilience, and I’m determined to keep learning and improving, whether it’s for TCS or any other opportunity that comes my way.