TCS Interview Experience for System Engineer

 I did my B. Tech in Production Engineering from NIT Trichy. Recently I was selected for System engineer at TCS through campus placement and was selected. I have shared my experience here:)

so, ideally, the interview panel was supposed to be of five members, but at my time four members were there( 2 from the technical team, one was the HR head, and one HR who was arranging the meets and all. my interview went for almost 1 hr(technical+HR).

Technical round :

The interview started with an introduction then some questions about college and my background(they were trying to get me comfortable).

first, they start from Python, questions were easy, and beginners level

  • basic differences (list, array)
  • mutable and immutable datatype

then they asked question from ML(as I applied for data scientist role)

  • r-squared, adjusted r-squared
  • how can we handle missing values
  • the step-by-step approach of K-means clustering
  • k-means++

next, they asked questions from SQL, here also they asked easy-level questions and asked to write one query; they were seen as more serious for SQL questions (may be its an important skill for the role)

  • what are the names of clauses used in SQL
  • table and fields
  • she gave me a table of student names, subjects, marks, and roll no., now she asked 3 queries (the query was getting advanced every time), first asked me to get the name and roll no of the student whose marks are greater than 30, next she asked to get the average of each subject and lastly average marks of subjects where* marks are greater than 30.

*actually, I made a blunder SQL question(where we need to use the “HAVING” clause), but as soon as I got to know that I made a small mistake, I just let them know and corrected my mistake(I guess it was a good take from my side)

HR Round

Here they asked all expected and basic questions, I personally think that it was not so important for Panel members that a student is how much compatible with the work environment in TCS(feel kind of formality round), but strictly advised to prepare basic questions.

  • strengths and weaknesses
  • what TCS do, and what are their services.
  • Name of TCS CEO
  • how do you feel living in the southern part of India, about messy food and cultural differences?

overall it was a good experience, at the end, they do some formalities(like taking a pic of my Aadhar card with my face, same with my college ID card)

I got the result after 20-25 days and luckily was selected.

advise: if you are preparing for a company that has a large number of employees, then no need to worry about advanced concepts, just make your basics very clear, do proper research (about the company, what they do, and their recent projects)and be confident.

All the best for your preparations and hope you got selected!!
