The Thirsty Crow Story in English for Kids

What could be a more joyful way to teach moral principles to kids than stories? Read aloud to your kids to promote a sense of connection and impart valuable lessons, whether it’s around bedtime or during the day. However, how does this bonding occur? Children begin to establish the habit of listening to their parents when we recite stories to them in a way that they understand (*we mean by making faces and cute sounds*), and this will come in very handy later on. Fables that impart important lessons are brief, simple to comprehend, and convey powerful messages, such as the English tale of the “Thirst Crow.”

The legend of Thirsty Crow has endured for a very long time, and nearly everyone is aware of it. Why don’t we also invite our children to this story party? To find the story of thirst crow with moral lessons, move your cursor down below. Let’s start.

Table of Content

  • Origin and History of The Thirsty Crow Story
  • Story Type of the Thirsty Crow Story
  • Story Characters
  • The Story of The Thirsty Crow For Children
  • Story Summary
  • Moral of the Story
  • How Can Children Apply The Moral In Their Real Life?
  • More Stories Like the Crow Story

Origin and History of The Thirsty Crow Story

A.E. Wright’s works, Hie lert uns der meister: Latin Commentary and the Germany Fable, contain the popular fable known as The Thirsty Crow, which originated in the Middle Ages. Over the years, it has been translated into several languages, including Greek and Roman, to spread the story’s proverb.

Story Type of the Thirsty Crow Story

The Thirsty Crow story is an educational and moral-based story that leaves a strong message for kids. It is one of the best bedtime stories for children worldwide because its simplicity and morals are shaping the minds of kids towards truthful values.

Story Characters

The crow is the sole primary character in the narrative. In general, crows are among the smartest animals on Earth; in fact, multiple scientific studies have shown that crow intelligence is comparable to that of seven-year-old children. In this tale, the crow makes use of cunning and perseverance to get out of a sticky situation.

The Story of The Thirsty Crow For Children

There wasn’t much water available for animals or birds to drink on that scorching day with the sun overhead. One of them was a parched crow that roamed the fields looking for water. He searched all over, but there was nothing to sip. “Caw, caw, caw,” he thought to himself as he felt weak and depressed. Since the morning, I have been looking for water, but not a drop is in sight. “My thirst is making me lightheaded.”

The crow was about to give up when he looked up and found a pitcher of water. “Thanks heaven! I’m hoping that little pitcher has some water. He made a straight flight to that pitcher to check if any water remained inside. He was shocked to find that the pitcher had some water.

The crow’s head was forced into the pitcher, but it was unable to go any deeper. “Oh no. I was unable to reach the water. The water level was too low and the pitcher was tall with a narrow neck. He attempted to move the pitcher so that the water would pour out. “I could easily drink this water if I tilt this pitcher and it comes out.” However, the pitcher was quite heavy to tip.

There was hope for the bird. Glancing around, he began to consider how he could get the water out of the pitcher. Then it dawned on him! He noticed some stones on the earth. One by one, the crow began gathering stones and putting them into the pitcher. The water level increased as more and more pebbles were added to the pitcher. The water eventually reached a level where the crow could drink it. He thanked mother nature and cheerfully sipped the water.

Story Summary

A parched crow flew all over the fields on a sweltering summer’s day, seeking water. His eyes snapped to a pitcher on the ground half-full of water. The crow was unable to sip the water due to the low water level and the short neck of the pitcher.

Then it dawned on him. One by one, he began gathering the pebbles that were strewn around the pitcher and putting them inside. The water in the pitcher rose as pebbles were added. The crow thanked mother nature after drinking the water.

Moral of the Story

“Where there is a will, there is a way!”

The lesson we take away from reading this short story is that, with enough thought and effort, we can solve any challenging issue. Everything is possible if we are willing and determined. The crow put stones into the pitcher to allow water to escape by using his cunning and patience. He persisted in dropping stones one by one, never gave up, and eventually drank water to save his own life.

Children need to learn that the most crucial thing to do in any difficult circumstance is to remain calm, assess the circumstances, and then use the tools at hand to come up with a solution.

How Can Children Apply the Moral in their Real Life?

The picture-rich story serves as an excellent illustration of imagination and perseverance. Even though the crow in the story was feeble, it persisted. He used little pebbles to his advantage to improve the results. We may create a successful life by seizing opportunities and expressing gratitude for them, just like the crow does.

Children can learn about scientific theories and water displacement innovations from this story. Using pebbles in a small water tank, you may encourage your child to conduct a similar experiment and observe their reaction by having them act as the story’s crow!

More Stories Like the Crow Story

Panchatantra Tales

Additionally, you should encourage your youngster to read more Panchtantra tales. Children can learn priceless moral lessons from Panchatantra stories, which also help them improve their cultural awareness and moral qualities. These stories boost social and problem-solving abilities through captivating stories with realistic animal characters, and their rich vocabulary advances vocabulary and cognitive development. It’s the ideal balance of knowledge and amusement for all-around learning.

Crow Story in English for Kids- FAQs

What is the moral of the story of the crow?

The crow attempted to sip the water after a while, but he was still unable to reach the water’s surface. The crow continued to persevere despite his growing weariness and thirst, and eventually the water level climbed to the point where the bird could finally sip the water.

How do you write a crow story in English?

A parched crow flew around, looking for water, on an extremely hot summer’s day in the fields. His eyes shot to a pitcher on the ground that had very little water. The crow was unable to sip the water from the pitcher due to its narrow neck and low water level.

What is the thirsty crow water story?

YOU are important in this animated short film, as the “Spirit of the Seasons.” John Legend’s character Crow believes he must sacrifice everything to save his buddies. There was only Spring in the era before humans first set foot on Earth.

What moral stories teach us?

A youngster gets a deeper grasp of the moral life and discovers how vital it is to “live” a virtue by reading a moral story. In fact, some conventional character educators even advise teachers to take a backseat and refrain from interfering with the narratives’ inherent power.

What is the importance of moral in your life?

In the end, morality is a necessary component of a healthy society. It urges us to take care of ourselves and people around us and gives us rules to abide by. It improves us as individuals and provides a model for others to follow.