Trianz Interview Experience for Software Developer 2023-24

Round 1: Aptitude Round ( METTL Platform)

Trianz Eligibility Assessment, this round was conducted on the Mettl platform and consisted of Seven sections:

  1. Quant
  2. Logical
  3. Code Debugging
  4. Essay Question
  5. Numeric Ability
  6. Grammar
  7. Cloud computing

The duration of this test is 2 hours 30 mins.

Round 2: Technical and HR Interview (Trianz)

Based on the performance in Round 1, candidates were eligible for the next interview. I was selected for Trianz. The interview was scheduled two weeks after the exam, and interview details were communicated a day prior.

The interview, conducted on the College Campus, was based on three segments:

  • Technical Questions: The interviewer began with a brief introduction and proceeded to inquire about my academic projects. Key technical questions included topics related to web development, hosting, Python, Django, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, and more.
  • Aptitude Questions: Following the technical segment, I was presented with two aptitude questions, with a time limit of three minutes each. These questions tested problem-solving abilities under time constraints.
  • HR Questions: The interview concluded with HR-related queries, touching on topics such as career goals, experiences, and adaptability.

Technical Questions Covered:

  1. Overview of minor and major projects.
  2. Detailed explanation of the major project.
  3. Detailed explanation of recently participation in Hackathon role as a team member.
  4. Hosting process and choice of platform (not using AWS or Azure).
  5. Familiarity with Python and Django.
  6. Technologies employed in the website, including Bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL.
  7. SQL query syntax for column property updates.
  8. Combining two languages and associated code.
  9. Steps to create a Query Sheet form and retrieve submitted values.
  10. Choice of RDBMS for the website.
  11. OSI model layers and HTML’s position within.
  12. Core principles of OOP.
  13. Distinctions between JAVA and CPP.
  14. Interpretation of a provided JAVA code snippet (inherited classes).

Aptitude Questions:

  1. Solving a problem involving ratios of different coins in a bank.
  2. Determining the time taken to complete a task when two individuals work together.

HR Questions:

  1. Personal introduction.
  2. Reasons for choosing Trianz Software.
  3. Long-term career aspirations.
  4. Demonstrating leadership skills through an incident.
  5. Responding to assignments outside of one’s core skills.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Strong preparation in aptitude.
  2. Proficiency in coding, aiding in automata and code-related questions.
  3. Sound grasp of core subjects, including DBMS, DS, OOPS, JAVA, CPP, and Web Technology.
  4. In-depth knowledge of projects and internships.
  5. Regular practice of interviews with peers, covering both technical and HR aspects.

The interview process primarily builds a solid foundation in relevant technologies, core project knowledge, and familiarity with Trianz Software. It was a great experience ever .