Truminds Software Systems Interview Experience for SDE 1

Round 1: Online Assessment Test: 

15 MCQs of aptitude and CS Fundamentals and 1 DSA question(medium level)

  • Question was to find the three most popular shops where N shops are numbered as 1 to N and there are M persons visiting the shops. an ith person visits shops that are numbered from Li to Ri.
N=5, M=2, visit = [(1,5)(2,4)]

Round 2: Technical Online Interview

It was really a good experience and the interviewer was really friendly and I really had a great experience talking to him.

Round 3: Online Interview Technical + HR

  • Tell me something about Yourself.
  • Here I mentioned that playing chess was my hobby and the interviewer played a game of chess with me and I lost to him. He then kindly showed me where I made mistakes.
  • Asked puzzles:  you and a girl is walking on a circular path, your speed is V1 and her speed is V2, and V1>V2, So, in a given time T how many times you will cross the girl.
  • How to print “Hello World” with empty main() in C++
  • what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
  • what is a process? do processes communicate with each other?
  • What are sockets?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

Overall it was a great experience, The interviewers were really friendly and very helpful.