Truminds Software Systems Interview Experience for SDE 1 ( On-Campus )

Round 1: Online Assessment Test: 

  • 20 MCQs of aptitude and CS Fundamentals and 3 DSA question( 2 medium level and 1 easy level)

Round 2: Technical Online Interview

  • Asked about questions on DBMS, OS and CN like :
    • What is Normalization and why it is important?
    • What is Page Demanding?
    • Explain ACID properties.
    • Explain about HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP protocol?
    • What is different between UDP and TCP?
    • What is virtual memory?
    • What is different between thread and process?
  • Explain about your projects and tech stack used it in.
  • Asked some question on OOPs like :
    • What are the four pillars of OOPs ?
    • Explain polymorphism with real life example.
    • What is constructors and destructors?
    • Different types of inheritances.
  • DSA questions are :
  • Also asked some questions on cyber security techniques like SQL Injection, DDOS Attack , MITM attack, etc. as I mentioned it in my resume

It was really a great experience and the interviewer was really friendly. Also the interviewer given some tips to me for expanding my knowledge in the field of cyber security.

Only 2 students were selected for further rounds.

Round 3: Leadership Discussion 

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Where does the static and dynamic variable stores in the memory layout.
  • Asked some basics Linux commands.
  • Which data structure is used in the music player?
  • Explain different types of topologies in network.
  • Different types of Operating System.
  • What are different types of compilation errors?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

Overall it was a great experience.

Final Verdict : Luckily, only I was selected from my campus.

Tip: Brush up the CS Fundamentals and basic DSA questions. Be confident and honest with the interviewer. Best of Luck!