VITEEE Exam Experience


Hey there, You are tired and frustrated and are on the verge of throwing the towel, I feel you but know that like you lakhs of students are in this struggle but few of them are still working hard until they reach their goal. Among the endless list of engineering exams comes VITEEE. While I understand people don’t usually aim for this exam, this is preferred as a backup and the unpredictability of life is such that it is always nice to have a plan B. So do not underestimate this completely, Now I am a first-year CSE student and found myself standing exactly where you are. I had gotten VIT Bhopal core CSE right in my first round, although this isn’t the college I was admitted to finally but still securing a seat during your ongoing counseling of other exams gives you relief at the back of your mind, so allow me to throw some light on this path if you wish to choose it.


It consists of the usual trio PCM along with two new guests that are English and LR, there is no provision for negative marking so it is only advisable to attempt the whole paper and not leave any questions even if you are unsure. for PCM there aren’t any special tips, if you have prepared for JEE well, you are more than ready for VIT, and the rest two sections can be dealt with PYQS. However, if you are not that well prepared you should consider giving mocks and go through past year question papers that you can get online. You get access to the online practice test officially on the site after registering as well so could you try that mock to get accustomed to the interface as well?


Now, comes the real reason for you to keep reading this article. The above-mentioned tips are sufficient and you have been already given a rail of exams so you are in the zone, the exam will be done but what after it,

While VIT is still a consideration I believe keeping the current job/placement scenario in mind there are parameters that you should consider before you go further on. Depending on the score you attain, you will be divided in phases that would be according to the merit rank, now these “phases” decide your round of counseling so phase 1 students will choose Vellore then the IT, AI-ML related fields Electronics, and so on, then comes Chennai or Bhopal, etc. you know how it works. Your counseling result will tell you the college, the branch and the category with which you got admission. These categories differ in the fee strcuture. Cat 1 students fees would be similar to that of a govt. college while lakhs cat 5 students will find themselves in the uglier side of private universities.

You should consider VIT, if you have got Computer science or related fields, putting the mark till Electrical which is still a bit on the bolder side then these branches only in Vellore , Chennai and Bhopal on top of it if you come under category 1 or 2. The scenario that I have made for you is the ideal one, keeping the money compromise in mind so that same amount can be invested to upgrade your skills even if you might have compromised on your college a little bit. This is, of course my opinion I intend to just give you a direction to think towards. Its you and your parents call at the end of the day.


So keep on working hard, it is not the college that makes people famous, it is the people who make their college famous. So buddy miles to go before you sleep, Cheers and All the best!