Why Still Use a Ring Network Topology?

Answer: Ring topology is the network type in which devices or nodes are connected in the circular fashion which has the advantages of fault tolerance and control access, which makes it more suitable for complex net environments and cost effective setups.

Below are the reasons to use a Ring Network Topology

Fault Tolerance

In the ring topology, if any of the node or device gets filled, it does not interrupt the entire network as the data can still transmit in the opposite direction. This fault tolerance is important in the environments where continuous network connectivity is vital.

Simple Setup

Ring topology is easier to set up and also easier to maintain as compared to the other complex topologies like tree or mesh. This simplicity makes it more useful in the small scale networks or the resources where the network management is limited.

Cost Effectiveness

As compared to the other topologies during networks are cost effective, especially in the smaller setup, as we require very less number of cables and networking devices as compared to other topologies.

Controlled Access

In the Ring Topology, the data transmission is mainly controlled. This controlled access can be useful in the cases where prioritizing data traffic or managing network congestion is important.

Legacy Systems

There are many legacy systems and the application which rely on Ring Topology and switching to the entire new network infrastructure is not feasible and also not cost effective.